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  • #16
    Originally posted by McCarthy12 View Post
    There seems to be a bit of hypocrisy in the air with regard to Russia. The same folks who are hammering Trump with speculation about what positions he will take on Crimea, Ukraine and Syria or fact that Russia likely tampered with our election have been/were strangely silent about the current administration's inaction which allowed Russia to get involved with Crimea and the Ukraine, fill a void we helped create in Syria and allowed the Russians to tamper with our election.

    Politics is a team sport. Rah rah.
    The same people who saw Russia as America's primary geopolitical threat four years ago suddenly don't see a problem there anymore.

    The same people who mocked and ridiculed the idea of Russia being our primary geopolitical threat four years ago suddenly do.

    Once you divorce yourself from it emotionally and just see it for what it is, it's hysterical. Whatever people are told to believe, that's what they believe.


    • #17
      You are dead ass wrong

      Originally posted by McCarthy12 View Post
      You disagree?

      To be thinking about anything other than Butler this weekend. That is all.


      • #18
        Originally posted by The Duck View Post
        The same people who saw Russia as America's primary geopolitical threat four years ago suddenly don't see a problem there anymore.

        The same people who mocked and ridiculed the idea of Russia being our primary geopolitical threat four years ago suddenly do.

        Once you divorce yourself from it emotionally and just see it for what it is, it's hysterical. Whatever people are told to believe, that's what they believe.
        False equivalence nonsense. "Primary" or not, anybody who thinks Russia is less of an adversary now than four years ago is a moron. Unless they are assuming Trump will kiss their ass.

        Anybody who thinks they are more of a problem is correct.
        Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


        • #19
          Originally posted by Maniac View Post
          False equivalence nonsense. "Primary" or not, anybody who thinks Russia is less of an adversary now than four years ago is a moron. Unless they are assuming Trump will kiss their ass.

          Anybody who thinks they are more of a problem is correct.
          I know. You were right then. You're right now. I get it.

