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FBI releases new (very clear) photo of Suspect #2

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    FBI releases new (very clear) photo of Suspect #2

    Apparently this guy has been in the US for years. CBS just had an interview with somebody who claims to be their uncle.
    "We choose to go to the moon."


    CNN had that a half-hour ago.
    "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


      Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
      CNN had that a half-hour ago.
      They also had that the guys were arrested two days ago!

      "We choose to go to the moon."


        I'm Glad You're Enjoying This So Much

        Mr. Laughs.
        "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


          CNN is to news what Burger King is to dining

          Slick packaging, convenience, perceived value. Style without substance.


            Yeah what about THAT?

            Huh Kelly Green??????? Where's your CNN NOW, Mr. Smarty Pants?


              Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
              Mr. Laughs.
              When I see joke reporting like CNN's, I can't help but laugh!

              They're a joke! Their reporting is a laugh riot!

              "We choose to go to the moon."


                But they're ON THE SCENE!

                It just HAS to be good!


                  CNN has just reported that our earlier picture of the suspect was in fact Crusty the Clown!
                  On Trumps handicap

                  “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly wrote


                    You Don't Like BK's Burgers?

                    They have some new ones that are out of this world.
                    "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


                      I used to work there in my teens

                      What an experience. I used to make up all of these burgers with 4 patties on there, fried onion rings on top, barbeque sauce, cheese, all kinds of sh*t. (no mayo, never liked mayo) This is back when I could eat like a horse and not gain a pound. It was also when certain, shall we say, forces were giving me an incredible appetite or what one might call "the munchies."


                        You Sound Like My Oldest Stepson

                        He was one of the cooks at a KFC and got to eat as much as he wanted after the place was closed. It was either that or throw it away, so employees got to feast -- he ate chicken so much he didn't want to THINK about KFC until years later.
                        "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


                          We used to have some crazy managers

                          They let us eat whatever we wanted as long as we told them. They would just enter it as "waste." LOL As long as you worked and did your job, they treated you well with food (if you can call it food).


                            i knew it...he had a chi-stache.
                            “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”

