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Another FF tradition bites the dust

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Maniac View Post
    Nothing against eating healthy but they're twenty-year old football players. Its not a sport for people concerned about their health.

    Im skeptical but trying to stay open minded.
    This isn't North Korea. It's not like they can't pick up a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese on their way home from practice if they really want something more than the healthy foods they're provided at work.

    Doesn't Google have a cafeteria that has only healthier foods? Sitting at a computer isn't an activity for people concerned about their health.
    Your Retarded


    • #17
      Footbball players need a philosophy they can believe in

      Originally posted by Maniac View Post
      Doesnt make them good football players. Sounds like Mark Simoneau.

      Kelly can feed them whatever he wants but Macrobiotic Monday isnt going to win any more games than Taco Tuesday.
      and Macrobiotic Mondays make more sense that Fatty Fat Fuck Fried Fridays.

      I stated why I think its a good idea and I would also add that nutrition is going to affect even 20 year olds when it comes to mental sharpness. For example, f they go out drinking the night before, don't expect them to be sharp for next days practice.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Maniac View Post
        So the Eagles problem was tacos?

        Its truly wonderful that Chip is exposing the players to healthy lifestyle hints but I cant see it making a damn bit of difference in the win-loss record. These guys are gonna eat whatever they want away from Novacare. I would bet most of them have already been exposed to this information and the ones who care about it already are practicing good nutrition fwiw.

        There is no long run in the NFL.
        If something is free and readily available, whether it's healthy or not, there is incentive for the players to use it. Of course they can go eat a tub of lard later if they really want, but if they want to eat for free and conveniently it'll be something healthy and tailored to their physical goals.

        If Kelly has shown one thing, it's that he's basing a lot of his decisions on sports science - not just age-old tradition. If you think innovative use of sports science is a waste of time, you must have stopped really paying attention to sports over the last 10-15 years.
        Your Retarded

