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Is this really the most offensive thing someone is going to see at the mall?

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    Is this really the most offensive thing someone is going to see at the mall?

    King of Prussia Mall takes issue over caps worn to honor mom, a recent cancer victim.
    Your Retarded

    Both sides were wrong in this incident. The 3 sisters should not have worn this stuff in public, especially at a mall. I think they were looking for reaction. When they didn't get the one they wanted they acted like idiots. I also blame teh security guard. A little bit of tact would have gone a long way. All in all, both parties have no class.


      Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
      Both sides were wrong in this incident. The 3 sisters should not have worn this stuff in public, especially at a mall. I think they were looking for reaction. When they didn't get the one they wanted they acted like idiots. I also blame teh security guard. A little bit of tact would have gone a long way. All in all, both parties have no class.
      I just feel like I've seen things that are worse than this at most malls - including many things are on sale at the malls themselves.
      Your Retarded


        Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
        Both sides were wrong in this incident. The 3 sisters should not have worn this stuff in public, especially at a mall. I think they were looking for reaction. When they didn't get the one they wanted they acted like idiots. I also blame teh security guard. A little bit of tact would have gone a long way. All in all, both parties have no class.

        What part of the story explained that the sisters acted like idiots? The part were they didn't take their hats off because of a fuckin rent-a-cop.
        500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.


          Zippy humping KG's ear comes to mind.
          John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.


            Originally posted by 3rd & Inches View Post
            What part of the story explained that the sisters acted like idiots? The part were they didn't take their hats off because of a fuckin rent-a-cop.
            They were idiots the moment they walked into a crowded mall with an offensive t-shirt


              Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
              I just feel like I've seen things that are worse than this at most malls - including many things are on sale at the malls themselves.
              I have too but it doesnt make it right.


                Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                I have too but it doesnt make it right.
                It doesn't even say FUCK. Are French Connection (fcuk) shirts and clothing too offensive as well? Nordstrom sells their shit.
                Your Retarded


                  The analogy doesn't follow. Fcuk is synonymous with French connection and transcends the swear word. Fu.k cancer actually means "fuck cancer" - it embraces the swear.

                  That being said, I imagine this situation escalated way too stupidly and quickly and probably started with a complaint from a patron. It's their mall, I guess they can do what they want.
                  Last edited by JuTMSY4; 05-22-2013, 07:13 PM.


                    Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
                    It doesn't even say FUCK. Are French Connection (fcuk) shirts and clothing too offensive as well? Nordstrom sells their shit.
                    Thats bullshit and you know it. Would it be acceptable to wear a shirt that says Ni@@er? Stop making excuses
                    Last edited by SCREAMIN EAGLE; 05-23-2013, 07:34 AM.


                      I wold never try to tell someone how to grieve

                      Especially if they're grieving the loss of their mother. You can't seriously call someone an idiot for grieving in their own way. This was a case of a mall cop playing the role of Day-Day in Friday After Next, and thinking he worked for Top Flight Security. Stand down rent-a-cop. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of the people who saw those shirts thought nothing of it.
                      Last edited by Eagle In Ohio; 05-23-2013, 08:58 AM.
                      The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                        Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                        Thats bullshit and you know it. Would it be acceptable to wear a shirt that says Ni@@er? Stop making excuses
                        I consider that a pretty poor comparison.

                        The word "fuck" is considered profane and in some cases vulgar depending on its use and context, however a racial epithet/slur is different in that it is inherently derogatory or contemptuous towards a person or group of people.

                        "Fuck Cancer" is not a derogatory statement towards someone. It's not a vulgar statement about having sex with cancer. It means "Cancer is really, really bad and I hate it and wish it didn't exist". The complaint/issue here is simply over the way that statement is being said with a word that has multiple uses and contexts.

                        The phrase "Cancer is a dirty <insert slur here>" would be different. The slur is being used because its context suggests something that is hated or inferior therefore cancer is bad and hated as well through association.

                        In general, I think it's pretty ridiculous that words like fuck, shit, etc. are considered offensive given that they have multiple meanings and context. They can be used in offensive or vulgar ways, but so can other words.

                        Would a t-shirt that says "Fellate my penis" or "Eat feces and die" be less offensive than "Suck my cock" or "Eat shit and die"? No, not really, because it's the message that's offensive. Not the vocabulary.
                        Your Retarded


                          But they sell Thor Steinar

                          all over that mall.


                            Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                            Thats bullshit and you know it. Would it be acceptable to wear a shirt that says Ni@@er? Stop making excuses

                            haha horrible comparison
                            500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.


                              Makia Underwood, 32, Zakia Clark, 29, and Tasha Clark, 27

                              why would someone name their kids like this?

