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Top shelf ... you'll get a stiff one alright.

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    Top shelf ... you'll get a stiff one alright.

    Some big corporate chains in the NJ restaurant business will give you a stiff one without even asking for it.

    If you're splurging and going for the good stuff in your cocktail, make sure that's what you're actually drinking. Some bars in New Jersey were recently busted for serving the cheapest alcohols at top-shelf prices.


    Caramel colored rubbing alcohol in place of scotch?
    "You on the other hand, describe your shit so many times and revel in how glorious or strange it looks that there is absolutely no doubt you most definitely DO have a shit fetish." - Kelly Green

    Jim Lahey is a drunk bastard.


      Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
      Some big corporate chains in the NJ restaurant business will give you a stiff one without even asking for it.
      What's really upsetting is that this is happening at restaurants that most would consider the best-of-the-best.

      "13 TGI Fridays, one Ruby Tuesday, and one Applebee's."
      Last edited by TerpEagle; 05-24-2013, 05:20 PM.
      Your Retarded


        that's what you suckers get for ordering mixed drinks

        Never really know what's in it. Beer for me (or wine by the bottle)
        "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


          Fuck a snow cone, too!

          Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
          Never really know what's in it. Beer for me (or wine by the bottle)
          I typical don't worry about shit like that, but I went to The Villages and we went to a new bar in Ocala. Little did we know, they had an all-you-can-drink deal started at 9:00pm. I noticed a Crown Royal bottle up on the shelf before 9 but it was removed after 9. I told them I wanted a Crown and Coke. Apparently they stuffed the Crown below the counter. I could tell by drinking Crown enough that it was the real deal, plus they hid it for a reason.

          10 bucks. We slammed a few and left. Nice place...for um... Ocala.


            I wonder if that meets a threshold for higher criminal behavior.



              i've told you to stay away from Gator Joes.

              Next time try Cuvee or Mark's Prime on the square.


                It was like a country bar and Pulsations

                Originally posted by Chief View Post
                i've told you to stay away from Gator Joes.

                Next time try Cuvee or Mark's Prime on the square.
                all in one. They searched us when we walked in... that was the first clue.

                We hit Gator Joe's in the day sometimes but pretty much stick to The Villages.
                Last edited by Drama Queen; 05-24-2013, 07:58 PM.


                  One usually orders scotch by brand name. And any scotch drinker knows what their label tastes like. Nobody should drink bottom shelf scotch. If you order swill, swill you will get. Don't have a lot of sympathy.


                    Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                    Never really know what's in it. Beer for me (or wine by the bottle)
                    Same here. Now I have to question the food at TGI's. We usually have dinner there 3 or 4 times a year. Not anymore.

                    They didn't even check all the TGI's in NJ. So I have to assume there could be more swill floating around. Nasty!


                      Operation swill!


                        is pulsations still open?

                        Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
                        all in one. They searched us when we walked in... that was the first clue.

                        We hit Gator Joe's in the day sometimes but pretty much stick to The Villages.
                        Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
                        May 7, 2010

