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So my band "Devise" is opening up for Mötley Crüe tonight in AC!!

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    So my band "Devise" is opening up for Mötley Crüe tonight in AC!!

    Anyone going??
    "Fuck your 10 year old, this is football."

    That's really cool, man. Congrats. If I lived 900 miles closer... Well, I still wouldn't go because I don't really like MC, but it's gotta be great to be sharing a stage with legends.
    -Slizz of Wangnutz


      Best wishes for a good show. Could you replace Mr. Greengenes at the linc?
      "We choose to go to the moon."


        IGGLEPHANS open for Mötley Crüe. Wangnutz play in their garage and have their CDs ridiculed at tailgaytes.


          Congrats, that's awesome. Break a leg man.


            Rock the Taj

            Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


              I agree with this post.


                Awesome... how was it?

                "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                  Tommy Lee fell off his Rascal driving to the drum set.
                  John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.


                    "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                      Originally posted by Loki View Post
                      Tommy Lee fell off his Rascal driving to the drum set.

                      It was fucking amazing. Fucking crowd was really into us. i was really surprised at the response. Had a blast. Thanks fellas. Mötley Crüe puts on a killer show, but they use backing tracks for literally every fucking instrument. Drums included. If Vince sang more than 2 mins the whole set, I'd be shocked.
                      "Fuck your 10 year old, this is football."



                        Crue are live frauds?? Motley Vaniley
                        "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                          bad form dude. dont trash a band who was gracious enough to let you open for them. <no wonder youre stuck playing the mmrbbqs of the world. jacky wouldnt be happy if i told him you said that you ungrateful prick
                          WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


                            Originally posted by Diggle View Post
                            bad form dude. dont trash a band who was gracious enough to let you open for them. <no wonder youre stuck playing the mmrbbqs of the world. jacky wouldnt be happy if i told him you said that you ungrateful prick
                            I wasn't trashing them Diggle. Its no secret bands use backing tracks. I was surprised how much they used, but as I found out last night, it's widely known they use that much, and not some secret. And if you want to be a girl and tell Jackie, go ahead, since I told him myself last night and since Jackie brought the VIP winners of the radio contest in the arena while they sound checked the show with the backing tracks blasting and Vince singing and no one on stage. They arent hiding it.

                            I was more than gracious to them when we spoke and i thanked them for the opportunity, and they paid us numerous compliments on our performance. I also said they put on a killer show. I'm still trying to find the part where I trashed them. They were very gracious to us, and we more than made sure they knew how much we appreciated the opportunity. It's not everyday Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee watch you play from the side stage.

                            We've never played the mmrbecue, we just opened for Mötley Crüe, which was our 3rd fucking show. And we got there because we can write catchy songs, have a high energy stage show, and are generating a buzz. Our upcoming EP is produced by Morgan Rose from Sevendust, and mastered by Ted Jenson, the best in the business. Our next show is opening for Trapt, and we are in talks to join Sevendust on the second half of their tour as support. I don't know why you feel you can talk down to someone you don't know, but you're way off base, and need to go change your tampon. I'm not some kid jamming in his moms basement, asshole. You can be such a prick sometimes.

                            And if the mmrbecue is good enough for Cheap Trick, Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden, if I am ever asked to be on the bill, I'd be proud to.
                            "Fuck your 10 year old, this is football."


                              Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                              Crue are live frauds?? Motley Vaniley
                              No it's not like that, it's virtually impossible to put on a show like they do night after night, and always be great. Especially for a rock singer. Each show the fans pay the same money to get in, they should get the same level of performance. It's the only way it can be done.

                              They are still playing on stage, mic'd up and all, it's just blended into the backing tracks for a better, fuller, more consistent sound each night. Trust me man, they are worth seeing. I was impressed. Especially with Mick. How he's still doing it every night is beyond me.

                              Vince still works the crowd like a killer frontman, and he sings in spurts. I was over exaggerating on the 2 mins, and somehow Diggle got a hair up his ass like I'm pulling back the curtain on the wizard of oz. But they're the furthest thing from Milli Vanilli haha
                              Last edited by HELLAVOXX; 05-26-2013, 10:07 PM. Reason: Spelling
                              "Fuck your 10 year old, this is football."

