This is something the government can do and only the government will do. It will cost hundreds of billions more a few years from now. It would create lots and lots of jobs which would increase revenue, and it would create demand that would get corps hiring to meet the increased demand. What the hell is the hold up getting this started while interest rates are near zero? Presidents been trying to get this done for better than 4 yrs now. Amazing what our congress has become.
No announcement yet.
A lot to fix in this country
A lot to fix in this country
This is something the government can do and only the government will do. It will cost hundreds of billions more a few years from now. It would create lots and lots of jobs which would increase revenue, and it would create demand that would get corps hiring to meet the increased demand. What the hell is the hold up getting this started while interest rates are near zero? Presidents been trying to get this done for better than 4 yrs now. Amazing what our congress has become.Tags: None
Iraq is going to pay us back for liberating them...
right? Didn't Dubya say that the oil money would pay for the war?John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.
I say something's got to give ...
and they are the elephant in the room. We spend 4 times more than China and 7 times more than Russia which are the second and third ranked countries as defense spending goes. It is not only insane but downright stupid and a fucking waste. Better to invest in infrastructure and education wouldn't you think ???
Enough already ... every branch of the government needs a haircut on how they spend money.
Simplistically screaming "cut" (fill in the blank) misses the point.
Every bloated department, including the military, needs to have the WASTE eliminated.
Jackie Mason had it right.
You want to balance the fucking budget and spend money on education and infrastructure?
Put Congress on commission.Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.
The republican mantra that cutting taxes on the wealthy leads to job growth (which in turn leads to government revenue increases) has never been true. It's been tried and proven false every time. Austerity measures always prove disastrous.
Even the patron saint of conservative wet dreams, Ronald Reagan, raised taxes on the wealthiest americans. Eleven Times! And waged war on the tax havens and cheats the rich like Romney still take advantage of.
But we have a bubble society now where people get their information in jaded formats that confirm whatever belief system a person wants to hang their hat on. Liberals too, by the way.
I was born in an era where the top tax bracket was 90 percent. That's right -- 90!! When you cut taxes for people who don't need the tax break, they just hoard their extra cash off shore. Then bequeath the excess to their brat children. And the cycle repeats.
At some point, it breaks.
ah more mythology from the leftwing kook
Originally posted by The Ref View Post
I was born in an era where the top tax bracket was 90 percent. That's right -- 90!! When you cut taxes for people who don't need the tax break, they just hoard their extra cash off shore. Then bequeath the excess to their brat children. And the cycle repeats.
At some point, it breaks."I could buy you." - The Village Idiot
Originally posted by Riccardo View PostYes, the great 50s and 60s, when the effective tax rate for the rich in the 90% tax bracket was only 30%. And when the poor still had to pay nearly 20% of their income in taxes. Hilarious!
You and yours live in a fantasy bubble where facts have no place and history can be re-written to fit your delusions.