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Cops have the toughest job

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  • #16
    I agree with RSE about the cops. There are some good ones and there are some very bad ones. He's told me one of the stories he refers to in this thread and it is horrendous. Furthermore it's the kind of thing which could happen to anyone.

    But what disturbs me the most about the cops as a whole is the way many forces seem to be becoming increasingly militarized.

    You can see it in their attitudes (many seem to view it as if you are not a cop, you are the enemy), weapons (many of the weapons police forces have purchased with DHS money are military weapons and useless for what we have traditionally considered police work), and tactics (military style raids).
    "We choose to go to the moon."


    • #17
      My childhood best friend is a cop in the worst district in the city. He routinely works the overnight shift and the shit he deals with and speaks about, I wouldn't wish on anyone.

      He is a great person, very level headed and fair. But he has certainly changed considerably since he took that job.

      On another note, I'm personally dealing with a situation right now where an A-hole cop in the suburbs with nothing better to do made up an entire story and chain of events to eff up my life. At the end of the day it was his word against mine on the stand and despite his affidavit consisting of numerous errors and events that could not possibly have transpired the way he described AND him coming across incompetent on the stand, it came down to his word (a 26 year veteran) against mine.

      Yes there are good cops. But the assholes wearing that badge far outweigh the good ones.


      • #18
        I respect your perspective, Ishimonster or anyone else who have seen the worst in law enforcement.

        I know it's out there. I know there are bad apples, and I agree with some basic points that IE makes in his post.

        Like the military, I think their performance is good and I appreciate what they do, therefore I feel somewhat compelled to support them on this board with a little fuckin' golf clap or something.


        • #19
          My perspective on the power of the state has changed a fair amount since I was in law school and working for the county DA a couple days a week. Those troopers were trying to catch a very very bad man, but to put pressure on his mom they manufactured evidence of a crime she did not commit, and when they got busted and the state investigated the barracks, they found the troopers and been manufacturing and/or planting evidence in cases for years. It was a huge scandal and really opened my eyes.

          There are good cops, but I think every cop feels his oats to some extent.


          • #20
            DQ is "Chip."
            "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


            • #21
              Originally posted by Melchior View Post
              I work at a State Attorney's office in Florida and from my experience, most cops are clueless, lazy assholes with a few good ones sprinkled in. Just anecdotal, of course. It's amazing our felony conviction rate is as high as it is with the LEAs we deal with.
              I would attribute the high conviction rate to our justice system that overcharges forcing defendents to take a plea bargain. Most defendants have little $ with a public defender who gives them the option of 1 year for a plea or possible 20 years to go to trial.
              Cowboys last SB win is old enough to drink beer


              • #22
                I appreciate your perspective and stories like that are terrible... and thankfully they got busted.

                I know what you mean about "feeling their oates". I get it.


                • #23
                  Fuck the police.

                  I'm a pimp. Ok?


                  • #24
                    I appreciate the good they do

                    Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
                    Like the military, I think their performance is good and I appreciate what they do, therefore I feel somewhat compelled to support them on this board with a little fuckin' golf clap or something.
                    But at the same time it's their JOB to serve the citizens of the nation. That's why I get confused when people say something along the lines of "don't complain about them because you need them." We do need them but that doesn't give them a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want. It's their job to serve the people and uphold the law (esp. constitution), they're not entitled to shit for just doing their job. Now I understand that the job of a cop is a lot different than an ordinary desk job, considering all the fatal hazards and dangers, but again they know what they're signing up for...
                    Last edited by ishimonster; 07-10-2013, 09:39 PM.


                    • #25
                      Why is you quote from "RandomFloridaCopper" eerily similar and yet different from Melchior's post above?

                      Question for Melchior: Is this you, and did you change (edit) your handle and post?


                      • #26
                        Forget it. I see what's going on...


                        • #27
                          I'm curious. What are your feelings and perspective regarding the dog owner in that video.


                          • #28
                            I don't know about "well," maybe "adequately."

                            I've seen cops do a great job. I've seen some that were terrible and huge assholes to boot.

                            If you're a police officer because you desire to protect and serve, that's admirable. If you're a police officer because you like to swing your dick around, you shouldn't wear a badge.



                            • #29
                              Now write five more lines about why you like the police. Let's keep it balances.

                              I'm getting sick of being the cop lover in this thread, BTW. I feel like such a pussy,


                              • #30
                                In my opinion

                                Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
                                I'm curious. What are your feelings and perspective regarding the dog owner in that video.
                                The dog owner didn't do anything wrong in that video. He has every right to video the situation. Was he jawing a little too much ? Sure he was, but he wasn't impeding the actual police investigation, and I didn't see the need for the police to put him in cuffs. had he not been cuffed, he could have gotten his dog under control right away. he put his dog in the car, but once the dog saw his master in trouble, it did what dogs are supposed to do, go help his master. had the dog owner been right in front of the house that was being raided while he was filming and talking, then I can see the reason to cuff him, but he wasn't.
                                Last edited by Eagle In Ohio; 07-10-2013, 10:18 PM.
                                The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill

