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Cops have the toughest job

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Melchior View Post
    I work at a State Attorney's office in Florida and from my experience, most cops are clueless, lazy assholes with a few good ones sprinkled in. Just anecdotal, of course. It's amazing our felony conviction rate is as high as it is with the LEAs we deal with.
    Funny thing is plenty of cops think the same thing about the people you speak of in these offices in the criminal justice field...they are "clueless, lazy assholes". MANY of these people could literally have their entire job abolished and nobody would ever notice, that is how little they matter. Throw in some attorneys that are utterly clueless and will do everything they can to avoid actually trying a case and you have some real gems for us to deal with too. Bottom line is that like any profession in the world, there are some fuck up cops. Problem is they are the ones that make the news. I've worked with countless cops that are some of the best dudes you could ever meet, along with a couple assholes sprinkled in. When I see a cop mess up it pisses me off, cause its gonna feed the stereotypes some people will have no matter what.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
      Forget it. I see what's going on...
      I post on a packers message board that has several cops contributing. They often rip on the DAs they work with and I was just mirroring their comments- Melchior is certainly right from his POV; they think they are right from theirs.

      " I gave that asshole a rock- solid case and now he wants me to come down and testify, Christ do I have to do his job too? "

      The cops I know do think they are above the law- they make life/death decisions in the blink of an eye and we second guess them with the benefit of hindsight and slow mo replay. I don't know how you wouldn't get a God complex working that job.


      • #33
        Originally posted by PackWest View Post
        I post on a packers message board that has several cops contributing. They often rip on the DAs they work with and I was just mirroring their comments- Melchior is certainly right from his POV; they think they are right from theirs.

        " I gave that asshole a rock- solid case and now he wants me to come down and testify, Christ do I have to do his job too? "

        The cops I know do think they are above the law- they make life/death decisions in the blink of an eye and we second guess them with the benefit of hindsight and slow mo replay. I don't know how you wouldn't get a God complex working that job.
        It's ironic to read all these lawyers' stories which insinuate that cops have the market cornered on being assholes and thinking they are bigger than the law.
        "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


        • #34
          1. No one here has said that cops have the market cornered on assholedom and big dick swinging.

          2. No one here has insinuated anything (until your post, that is). People have been pretty plain spoken in this thread about their feelings.

          3. What's ironic?

          4. If you don't have the balls to come out and say lots of lawyers are assholes, no one here, least of all the lawyers, would disagree that there are many asshole lawyers.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Irish George View Post
            just went through about half of the post headers in that thread.

            Yeah, there are bad cops.

            Most are doing a very tough job and doing it well.
            It's no a tough job 98% if the time. In fact the average person working with heavy machinery is in much, much more danger. Cops are unaccountable thugs with guns who usually get their positions through nepotism and connections. This is what happens when you pay high school grads absurd amounts and allow them to retire at 40.


            • #36
              Lol sounds like you really know your shit
              Last edited by murph12; 07-11-2013, 08:42 AM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by RSE View Post
                3. What's ironic?
                You're a lawyer. I'm sure you've got enough of an education to figure it out.
                "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


                • #38
                  Like I said, if you think some or most lawyers are assholes, be a man and come right out and say it. You won't hurt me or the other lawyers here. We'd agree at least to some extent. You don't usually mince words.


                  • #39
                    My experience has been that most lawyers are pretty good guys and gals ... but with high end divorce lawyers (at least in NYC), my experience has been that one needs to count one's fingers after shaking hands with at least half of them.
                    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by RSE View Post
                      be man and come right out and say it.
                      I've worked with both and my impression, as an independent, third party, is that lawyers and cops are the same types of people wearing different uniforms.
                      "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


                      • #41
                        Cops don't like transparency. They don't like accountability. They're corrupted by power and they vigorously protect their own, including the bad apples. This isn't an indictment of cops specifically, it applies to all of humanity. They have a powerful and important role, and like all forms of power it needs to be checked or it'll run wild. It should be common sense that people need to be as proactive as possible about demanding transparency, accountability, and the elimination of bad actors and abusive patterns of behavior, because left alone, cops absolutely will not demand this of themselves.

                        I'll admit I have no clue how hard working the average cop is, how much danger and stress they face daily, or how well they do their job compared to my implicit assumptions of what a good cop is. It's irrelevant. This incident that started all this discussion is not remotely isolated. It's systemic. People get assaulted and/or arrested under BS premises for legally filming cops all the time. Cops execute pet dogs with flimsy self defense claims all the time. They may be doing lots of good work the rest of the time, but this aspect of police culture is disgusting and needs to be rooted out. I'm glad more people are becoming aware of these incidents and I'm glad they're pissed.


                        • #42
                          In no other profession can you beat the shit out of a guy until he dies & know there is a 99% you won't be charged. Anytime you hear a cop say "grabbing his waistband" that means they killed someone & made up a bs excuse.

                          Exhibit A

                          Cowboys last SB win is old enough to drink beer


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by RSE View Post
                            Some cops are good. Some are the scum of the earth.
                            Sums it up pretty well. Cops are human beings. In large sample sizes, you can probably find the same percentage of good, evil, and average people in any non-criminal profession.

                            I know a cop who hates writing traffic tickets because it makes him feel hypocritical, since he doesn't want to drive the speed limit himself. I also know a cop who has drop guns, in case he needs one.

                            Only the best and worst make the headlines. It says nothing about the percentage.
                            - DEERSPINE GUY

                            The classic Philly sports fan mindset. It's not right or wrong - it is what it is. Both a shame and a mantle of pride. Love and hate in constant turmoil.
                            - Susquehanna Birder


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Damned Thing View Post
                              Sums it up pretty well. Cops are human beings. In large sample sizes, you can probably find the same percentage of good, evil, and average people in any non-criminal profession.

                              I know a cop who hates writing traffic tickets because it makes him feel hypocritical, since he doesn't want to drive the speed limit himself. I also know a cop who has drop guns, in case he needs one.

                              Only the best and worst make the headlines. It says nothing about the percentage.
                              I think cops and youth coaches fall into a similar category.

                              Being a cop doesn't make you an asshole and being a coach doesn't make you a child molester - however they're both professions that entice assholes and molesters respectively because of the power they afford them.
                              Your Retarded

