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Good news for racists! Counseling is now available!

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    I think I'm going to make a youtube video about Riley Cooper to show how outraged and not racist I am.


      Originally posted by Maniac View Post
      The punishment concept is misguided. Its not a crime to be a racist.
      The question is whether the rest of the team will accept him as a teammate I don't see it. Punishing him doesnt make him less racist or more acceptable.

      You cut him to keep the team together not as punishment.
      This is such bs. Every PROFESSIONAL at one time or another has had to work with someone they might not have particularly liked but worked well with that person to accomplish a job.

      Are you saying the Eagle players are not professional. Are you saying because you are black you are thin skinned. Seriously what makes me laugh is people that acting like they know what the Eagles team is collectively thinking.


        Originally posted by iowaigglefan View Post
        This is such bs. Every PROFESSIONAL at one time or another has had to work with someone they might not have particularly liked but worked well with that person to accomplish a job.

        Are you saying the Eagle players are not professional. Are you saying because you are black you are thin skinned. Seriously what makes me laugh is people that acting like they know what the Eagles team is collectively thinking.
        Actually... players are cut frequently for being a "locker room cancer".
        I'm not sure how this is different.

        Were you outraged when they cut T.O.?


          Originally posted by iowaigglefan View Post
          This is such bs. Every PROFESSIONAL at one time or another has had to work with someone they might not have particularly liked but worked well with that person to accomplish a job.

          Are you saying the Eagle players are not professional. Are you saying because you are black you are thin skinned. Seriously what makes me laugh is people that acting like they know what the Eagles team is collectively thinking.
          You think only a black person might not want to work with someone who blurts out racial slurs? Look, even for professionals there is always a line people can cross with their behavior that management isn't going to think should be tolerated.

          I don't think Cooper should be cut over this considering the way he apologized and the lack of other known incidents, but I can't exactly blame people for not wanting to be around him.


            Originally posted by DJCon57 View Post
            Actually... players are cut frequently for being a "locker room cancer".
            I'm not sure how this is different.

            Were you outraged when they cut T.O.?
            I think the difference with TO is that he had an ongoing pattern of behavior and was willfully trying to fuck things up.

            Most comments from players regarding Cooper involve some sense of surprise or shock.

            Granted, the other difference is that TO was a much more valuable player so that gave him more rope.
            Your Retarded


              Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
              I think the difference with TO is that he had an ongoing pattern of behavior and was willfully trying to fuck things up.

              Most comments from players regarding Cooper involve some sense of surprise or shock.

              Granted, the other difference is that TO was a much more valuable player so that gave him more rope.
              Pretty big difference, Terp.

              I'll give you another example. John Rocker, shutdown closer.

              He called his teammate a monkey. Did the whole gay people have aids routine He was still on the team for a couple of years.

              Once he started to suck, bye bye.


                Originally posted by DJCon57 View Post
                Pretty big difference, Terp.

                I'll give you another example. John Rocker, shutdown closer.

                He called his teammate a monkey. Did the whole gay people have aids routine He was still on the team for a couple of years.

                Once he started to suck, bye bye.
                I don't deny that value to the team is a big deal. I'm saying that TO was probably kept around as long as he was because he had a lot of value even though he had a big time track record of being a complete problem in the locker room.

                Cooper doesn't have a history of being an asshole or a deep-seeded racist. His teammates all said they're surprised. Maybe that's jsut lip service and he's a card-carrying Klan member - but if taken at face value I think that sets up a difference.

                His value as a player will always be weighed against whatever problems he causes in the locker room. Maybe his comment does make him a cancer - it depends on how his teammates perceive him and his actions, but usually that's a term associated with someone who has a history of negative actions - not a singular mistake (assuming this is one based on what's been said).

                I hope the guy is truly contrite and recognizes why this is such a big deal and grows from it. I think events like this can help people better understand each other and more effectively solve the problem rather than just cutting bait on a lost cause.

                Maybe I hold that position because I've witnessed "real" racism (and other prejudice like homophobia) and seen people evolve once they really understood the cause of it and were confronted.

                And I've also seen people who've been ignored or ostracized rather than confronted - shockingly they don't seem to evolve.
                Your Retarded


                  Coz the only bad racists are the "card carrying members of the klan". You sound like Slag.

                  Look, you cant say you're gonna fight every n----- in the place and not make some enemies. There is no maybe about it. Some of his teammates have already said that. What difference does it make if they were surprised? People get unpleasant surprises all the time.

                  I have no idea what the depth of his racism is, but im sure he's going to be an ongoing issue for the team. Just cut him and spare everybody the drama.
                  Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


                    Originally posted by Maniac View Post
                    Coz the only bad racists are the "card carrying members of the klan". You sound like Slag.

                    Look, you cant say you're gonna fight every n----- in the place and not make some enemies. There is no maybe about it. Some of his teammates have already said that. What difference does it make if they were surprised? People get unpleasant surprises all the time.

                    I have no idea what the depth of his racism is, but im sure he's going to be an ongoing issue for the team. Just cut him and spare everybody the drama.
                    Saying something racist is not the same as deep-seeded racism. Like anything else, there are levels of behavior. Many racists, homophobes, sexists, etc or people who say things that fit those descriptions are more ignorant than anything else and often, when confronted with the issue, they grow from it.

                    But just admit what yo're really thinking. You care more that the team doesn't suffer in the short term than perhaps some actual growth comes from this.

                    Cut bait, spare the drama, who cares if he's a bad person or not and whether it actually helps solve a real problem.
                    Your Retarded


                      Brilliant! Forget winning football games. Lets try to help Riley work out his black people issues.
                      Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


                        Originally posted by FuriousXGeorge View Post
                        You think only a black person might not want to work with someone who blurts out racial slurs? Look, even for professionals there is always a line people can cross with their behavior that management isn't going to think should be tolerated.

                        I don't think Cooper should be cut over this considering the way he apologized and the lack of other known incidents, but I can't exactly blame people for not wanting to be around him.
                        I agree with this post. Just wish the press would let the team handle it. Let that group of MEN work this out. It was terrible insensitive ugly word to say but I would venture a guess its not the first time that word was used in an NFL locker room.

                        First Cooper learns from his insensitivity. Hopefully his team mates can forgive him and put it behind them. I also agree if it continues to be an issue he should be released. Way I see it the news dogs are sniffing for any sensationalism they can find that is the part the pisses me off. Time will tell and hopefully it works out for the best and a whole lot of people gained a powerful lesson.


                          Better that then teaching mccoy how to treat women or jackson how to treat people who are gay...right?
                          “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”


                            T.O. was cut because he complained that Lurie and Banner had no class after T.O. scored his 100th career touchdown carch and the organization never acknowledged it.

                            Team's 4th wide receiver angrily uses n-word? Fine and a stern talking to.

                            Team's All-Pro wide receiver insults quarterback and offensive coordinator, holds out, and disrespects head coach? Fine and a stern talking to.

                            Team's All-Pro wide receiver calls owner and president classless? FIRING OFFENSE.


                              Originally posted by nerd View Post
                              Better that then teaching mccoy how to treat women or jackson how to treat people who are gay...right?
                              Thats the point. If the Eagles new mission is making players more sensitive, why aren't McCoy and DJax getting sent off to reprogramming camp?

                              The answer is simple. Cooper has become a threat to blow up the team. The other two weren't. They're not making a value judgement on homophobia vs misogyny vs racism in society. They only care about the effect on the team. Strictly business.
                              Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


                                My kids watch Rap battles on You tube

                                and all this other crap on line,,,every other word is the N word,,sometimes its funny."the rap battles" I dont approve but society has created this monster,,,..I say just go out and Rent Blazing Saddles,,,thats all the therapy you will need and for those not born untill the 80' wasnt always this big fucing mess!

                                I have chimed in,,back to football...
                                OFFICIAL BOARD DRUG CZAR

