"Above all, speed fuels this offense. Quick decisions. No lag between plays. As TE Finley said, the entire offense has watched footage of the University of Oregon, the well-oiled machine Chip Kelly left behind. Last year the Ducks averaged 81.4 plays per game. Green Bay ranked ninth in the NFL at 65.1 per game, as the New England Patriots — drawing many principles from Oregon — led the league at 74.4.
The logistics are different. For one, players in Green Bay will be using hand signals — not Oregon's zany pictures from the sideline."
Also some comments on the slooowww moving refs
"No wonder center Evan Dietrich-Smith was livid during last week's game at St. Louis. Dropping a few choice words inside the locker room this week, he explained how glacier-slow the officiating crew was in spotting the ball each play. Throughout the first-team offense's three possessions, they raced back to the line between plays, but the officials often lagged behind.
By rule, if there's not an offensive substitution, the official must spot the ball. Any slight pause gives the defense a chance to breathe, to react, to adjust. Yet too often, Dietrich-Smith said, the officials checked to see if the Packers were making substitutions.
The center would prefer officials "put the (expletive) ball down" and move aside.