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Wonder what the motive

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    Wonder what the motive

    will end up being in this one. Sickening.

    You think its a joke!?!

    Off Limits...

    Originally posted by schuylkilli_igg View Post
    will end up being in this one. Sickening.
    It doesn't fit the agenda with some people. With that being said, this story is horrible. The guy survives WWII, is shot in the battle Okinawa only to die senselessly at the hands of 2 thugs that have never and will never contribute anything positive to society. Horrible story.


      Street trash strikes again...all these thugs need to be taken to Afghanistan to fight for their lives. Drop em' off and tell them good luck...


        Been saying that since '01 when I was in the Army.

        Why have our troops fighting, empty all the jails put them on the front line with our infantry behind them moving them forward.

        Want to be a bad ass and sling guns and shit everywhere, try it in a real battleground.

        That story disgusts me, the youth in this country is in a bad way


          Yup, and I'd bet a paycheck that their head will be separated from their body at some point.

          Personally, I hate the idea that I (military) protect these people who do nothing except hurt others on our own streets and will never leave a positive impact during their lives...


            Because guys

            Originally posted by Big Little View Post
            Been saying that since '01 when I was in the Army.

            Why have our troops fighting, empty all the jails put them on the front line with our infantry behind them moving them forward.

            Want to be a bad ass and sling guns and shit everywhere, try it in a real battleground.

            That story disgusts me, the youth in this country is in a bad way
            especially guys who are in jail on a bullshit weed charge, don't need to be fighting in Afghanistan in this latest war for "democracy and freedom" aka oil. Personally, I say shut the whole damn thing down, and bring everybody home, but we can't do that because if we do, the big meanie terrorists will suddenly be able to infiltrate the American border with their own shock and awe.
            Last edited by Eagle In Ohio; 08-23-2013, 12:31 PM.
            The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


              Don't want to get into a political debate...not the point here. Bottom line...these thugs who think they're invincible on the streets of America, killing an honorable man in his 90's or a foreigner who is here BETTERING himself, wouldn't last one night in Afghanistan or a place like it. Garbage!!


                Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
                especially guys who are in jail on a bullshit weed charge, don't need to be fighting in Afghanistan in this latest war for "democracy and freedom" aka oil. Personally, I say shut the whole damn thing down, and bring everybody home, but we can't do that because if we do, the big meanie terrorists will suddenly be able to infiltrate the American border with their own shock and awe.
                First I really can't "buy" the oil angle, how much oil do we get out of Iraq?

                Secondly, I really don't "buy" the democracy angle.

                Thirdly, I would pull all the troops home and put them to work securing OUR border rather anybody else's, that would eliminate any "shock and awe".

                Just my take on it.
                Last edited by Eagle Road; 08-23-2013, 06:01 PM.


                  Admittedly, I'm no political science major

                  Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
                  First I really can't "buy" the oil angle, how much oil do we get out of Iraq?

                  Secondly, I really don't "buy" the democracy angle.

                  Thirdly, I would pull all the troops home and put them to work securing OUR border rather anybody else's, that would eliminate any "shock and awe".

                  Just my take on it.
                  I just believe that this country has interests in the Middle East regarding oil, that they'll do anything to protect, up to and including, going to war for "democracy" or "liberation". We agree on the troops angle. I thought the mission was accomplished. This whole "war on terrorism" is a joke. They're never gonna stop Al-Qaeda. How damn long does it take to train Afghanistan's army ? If they don't have it down by now, then they'll never get it. It's time for us to get out of there. Bring those men and women home so their families will stop worrying about if they'll get a visit from from a couple of military representatives with horrible news.
                  Last edited by Eagle In Ohio; 08-24-2013, 10:18 AM.
                  The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill

