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Vick's backward

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  • Vick's backward

    I'm not computer savvy enough to put the screen shot on here, but they have a still of Vick's pass that was called a backward pass--the ball was thrown FORWARD as shown on the still. I'm sure that the officials have enough technology to stop the video and could see it was forward.

  • #2
    Originally posted by bobbyuk View Post
    I'm not computer savvy enough to put the screen shot on here, but they have a still of Vick's pass that was called a backward pass--the ball was thrown FORWARD as shown on the still. I'm sure that the officials have enough technology to stop the video and could see it was forward.
    The refs are too fucking dumb to understand that Vick is left handed.


    • #3
      we clearly got tea bagged on the Play!

      fucing asshole Zeebras! clearly a forwards do you fuc that up


      • #4
        Kerrigan was f*cking a handful of yards IN FRONT OF HIM, that alone should have proven the forward pass..


        • #5
          It's physically impossible for a guy at the ten to throw a backwards pass that gets batted at the nine.
          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


          • #6

            It's not that complicated


            • #7
              Simple addition would have been tough for those refs last night, they were horrible to both teams.
              On Trumps handicap

              “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly wrote


              • #8
                A screen shot on NFL network shows

                How the ball looped past the line of scrimmage in a arc. The Line judge was out of position to make the right call but the film did not show enough to change the call. The Referees have been horrible all week end.


                • #9
                  The film did not show enough?

                  Did the film show Vick at the 10 and Kerrigan at the 9?

                  Yes ... end of discussion.
                  Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                  • #10
                    one plus though is that came at the end of a very quick tempo'd drive and then put their gassed D right back on the field for another one. if there's a silver lining to that fuck up its that it directly contributed to that sweet 33-7 lead the dream team built and then clung desperately to later on.

                    Their DL was freaking GASSED at the half.


                    • #11
                      Just saw the replay this morning as I missed the start of the game. WTF????? How was that not a forward pass????
                      Canada is like a really nice apartment over a meth lab.

                      Robin Williams


                      • #12
                        it's fixed

                        Originally posted by KenfromCanada View Post
                        Just saw the replay this morning as I missed the start of the game. WTF????? How was that not a forward pass????
                        PS I hate that Ron Winter dickhead
                        "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                        • #13
                          The problem that resulted in the non-reversal

                          ...was that the ball didn't travel very far before it was batted down. If it had gone further, the replay official could have followed the line on which the ball travelled and made a judgment. Unfortunately, without much of a line to follow he concluded there wasn't sufficient justification to overturn the call on the field.


                          • #14
                            Ridiculous gift there, score should have been 40-20


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                              PS I hate that Ron Winter dickhead
                              ron winter is a huge freaking doosh. hate that guy.

                              only guy i hate more is that guy that says, "fuhrst dahn"...can't remember his name but he irritates me.
                              “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”

