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Thank you Ken, IG,dool ,Athens,IE and all

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    Thank you Ken, IG,dool ,Athens,IE and all

    Don't get weepy-
    I would be remiss if I did not take a second, and Thank Ken for being such a great Canadian. Not only did him and Derek make the 8 hour drive, but he is my secret beer dealer. Also for his warm hospitatlity and friendly conversation at the local bars each
    Thank you again Ken. Your The greatest Canuck.
    I would like to take this time, to explain how shocked I was when My good friend IG, handed me something, I will cherish for life long- and your heart will always be with. T- YOu made my day, week, month.
    It was very thoughtful- you have no idea of how happy I am with it. Again Thank you million times over. Let me know if I can ever reciprocate.Luv U.
    Dool- Again- Thank you for making the 6 hour drive, and meeting your wonderful GF.
    It was such a great time and company at both the games, and going out each night.
    Athens- As well thanks for making the trip and the company at the game. The chair is always going to live on the zubus in your family memory.

    It was a great gayte. Time is always to short to talk to everyone. Eagle in Ohio, such a great time meeting you.
    Lastly Thank you IE for making this place operate under such great friendship and tailgates.
    We all might not agree on stuff, and many of us can be vocal and sometimes get under ones skin or even just nick pick at each other like a big family.
    BUt but when it comes to the gayte( family reunioun), all that is put aside- THIS BOARD IS THE BEST PLACE TO BE, everyone gets along great and It always show at every gate.

    I am Zubaz- GOOD DAY!!!!!!!

    And I almost forgot. Thanks Jcon for the addition to the zubus media library.


      Thank you for the rate at the hotel, and for hanging out with us on Saturday. We'd definitely do it again!


        Great time

        If I can make it, I want to try to come in for the Detroit game, If not, I'll definitely be at next year's gayte.
        The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


          Thanks to you and Dolomite for tolerating the fact that I said "Dick Ertz!" every time #86was involved in a play.


            Ha it was great time, except for the game part. I loved seeing everyone. Thank You ZUBAZ you are the MAN! Thank you for getting me the ticket and hauling my drunk ass around I still owe you $$$. All good people I had a great time. I struggle with correlating board names to real names especially with Ken from Canada. How did he come up with that? Eagle in Ohio nice meeting you and sorry about your ticket I'm sure you didn't budget for that.

            Melissa had a fantastic time and said everyone was extremely nice she felt at ease good people do that. I knew she was very nervous, she didn't want to come to the bar being the only woman and a Pats fan but Zubaz, Susquehanna Birder, Adam, Derek and that guy who goes by Ken from Canada made her feel very welcome despite my best efforts. I may be stuck bringing her back next year. She mentioned actually going to the Gayte next year.

            When we got back to the Hotel Sunday night after going out for drinks she said she was going to Ken's room to see pictures of his son. I was a little worried but Derek was also there and they're both good sized guys so if she did initiate any unwelcome advances and got out of hand they'd probably be about get her under control and wrestle her out of the room without involving hotel security. On the other hand they're also Leaf fans and could be as soft as their team, you never know ;-)

            This morning I tried to find some Dinner that yelp said was near the Hotel and ended up in Chester. Melissa said you're not using the NAV I said nope we're getting back on 95. She asked what's wrong are you worried about me or your car? just you babe. We ended up eating at a dinner in NJ instead just before getting on the NJTP.

            Everyone I met was great, good people, good friends, best fans in the world!
            Last edited by Dolomite; 10-21-2013, 05:52 PM.

