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Brandon Marshall on the culture of the NFL

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    Brandon Marshall on the culture of the NFL

    "Take a little boy and a little girl. A little boy falls down and the first thing we say as parents is ‘Get up, shake it off. You’ll be OK. Don’t cry.’ When a little girl falls down, what do we say? ‘It’s going to be OK.’ We validate their feelings. So right there from that moment, we’re teaching our men to mask their feelings, don't show their emotions. And it’s that times 100 with football players. You can’t show that you're hurt, you can’t show any pain. So for a guy to come into the locker room and he shows a little vulnerability, that’s a problem. That’s what I mean by the culture of the NFL. And that’s what we have to change."

    "What’s going on in Miami goes on in every locker room. But it’s time for us to start talking. Maybe have some group sessions where guys sit down and maybe talk about what’s going on off the field or what’s going on in the building and not mask everything. Because the longer it goes untreated, the worse it gets."
    Your Retarded

    Wow, that was the most insightful thing I've ever seen a football player say in a press conference.
    "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


      Maybe you can dig up some ron artest brownie baking articles


        Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
        Maybe you can dig up some ron artest brownie baking articles
        I know this article about what professional football players have to say about football locker rooms is counter to your non-professional football player opinion about them and their locker rooms. And that's hard to digest.

        It's ok though. Stick with being old-fashioned and the let the world pass you by. You won't be missed.
        Last edited by TerpEagle; 11-08-2013, 05:50 PM.
        Your Retarded


          Oooo you are hurt. What about ground zero? What about the dolphins locker room and what those players are saying or don't they count because they aren't carrying brandon marshall's considerable mental health expertise?
          Last edited by Greenstealth; 11-08-2013, 05:58 PM.


            Pray that you or any of your loved ones don't ever suffer profound depression. I guess you must live in a bubble.
            Last edited by RSE; 11-08-2013, 06:00 PM.


              Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
              Oooo you are hurt. What about ground zero? What about the dolphins locker room and what those payees are saying or don't they count because they aren't carrying brandon marshall's considerable mental health expertise?
              Well, the current Dolphin's locker room has options that are somewhat dubious right now because one of their members along with their management are accused of bullying and promoting bullying of a player.

              As for Marshall, he does have a publicly acknowledged history of mental health issues. I would consider his opinion one that holds merit. Are you making fun of his mental health issues?

              And why do you ask if I'm hurt? When I disagree with you state my disagreement. The fact that you agree or disagree with me doesn't matter to me emotionally.

              If you were asking because you have actual concern for my well-being - appreciated the sentiment but I'm great, thanks.
              Your Retarded


                Doesn't martin also have somewhat dubious options? I didn't ask if you were hurt, a draconian like me wouldn't care.


                  Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
                  Doesn't martin also have somewhat dubious options? I didn't ask if you were hurt, a draconian like me wouldn't care.
                  I give more credence to a victim in this case. Is it possible it's all an elaborate play to get money because he sucked and his parents are evil genius lawyers? Sure, it's possible - lots of things are possible.

                  But, it's more plausible to me that he was hazed/bullied, tried to handle it and eventually couldn't. Maybe he's the "first" because attitudes have changed towards this type of behavior and he does come from a solid home where he probably has more support to stand up against it.

                  The biggest issue I have is that he's being called a pussy because he couldn't handle the treatment. That's a weaker version of calling someone who was raped a slut. It's victim blaming.
                  Your Retarded


                    Well put, I can't argue against what you are saying, but our beliefs are simply different. My mother told me sticks and stones from a young age. Apparently it has served me too well throughout the years for your liking.


                      Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
                      Well put, I can't argue against what you are saying, but our beliefs are simply different. My mother told me sticks and stones from a young age. Apparently it has served me too well throughout the years for your liking.
                      Bullying is different than the old sticks and stones. It's typically relentless and systematic. If Martin showed up on day 1 of OTAs and Incognito came over and talked some shit and then whatever it's over - fine. It's probably no big deal unless Martin has very serious emotional/social interaction issues.

                      But if it's constant and Martin couldn't really get away from it, it's a bigger problem. Martin didn't have easy outs. He couldn't avoid the guy - they're both lineman. And if reports regarding management telling Incognito to toughen him up are true, he couldn't go to his boss. And he couldn't quit and and just find any other job. He's under contract, so either he has to retire from the NFL or convince the Dolphins to trade/cut him.

                      I get giving people a hard time - it's a guy thing and most of us do it with people we're friends with. But when it's unrelenting it's a different animal.

                      And maybe Incognito and most of the Dolphins did think it was good-natured ribbing. In the culture of the NFL I'm sure that's quite possible and the recipients could very well have serious issues with it.
                      Your Retarded

