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Is it true? Do you remember where you were when JFK was shot?

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    Originally posted by da guy in france View Post
    Relatively speaking they, Bush and Obama are like night and day but from afar they are just part of the same OL' I do agree but you gotta get real. What can you do ? Obama is trying to close Guantanamo but republicans are fighting it. Standby !!! We are pretty much out of Iraq which he was one of the very, very few to oppose that war and getting there in Afghanistan. It's not like a light switch man.

    Anyways just was tired of your anti-Vick diatribe and vitriol and figured you were heading down the same path about Obama. There is no denying that a lot of the hate of Vick and Obama is racially based but no denying that there are a few exceptions.

    There is a ton of hate of Obama from falsehoods but plenty he has done. If he had his way we would be in Syria... Granted that was part of the master plan set years ago. He could have gotten rid of the patriot act (funny name for something so against the constitution). And extended it. He is more similar to Bush then most would like to admit... But it shouldn't surprise you since while the potus may change the corporations writing the laws stay the same.

