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I dont care what class KG was in when he heard JFK was shot

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    I dont care what class KG was in when he heard JFK was shot

    Every baby boomer tells virtually the same story because they were in school on Friday.

    What is important to me is WHY we all remember our circumstances. That's what the younger generation does not get. What exactly it was we lost that day. And it was much more than our innocence.

    Even though we did not know about JFK's womanizing and he had his share of fuckups most notably the Bay of Pigs incident, it was his campaign and the overall tone of his 1,000-day administration.

    This was a guy different from any of the previous presidents and he represented US...the next generation. From organizing the Peace Corps, challenging NASA to land on the moon before the end of the decade, facing down the Rooskis in Cuba, taking up the cause for civil rights, etc. Kennedy was a leader and a guy of great humor and charisma. Watch his press conference on YouTube and you will see.

    He established a Presidential Council on physical fitness and you got a patch if you did X number of situps. I still have mine.

    People remember where they were because of what was taken from us that day in that shithole, Dallas.
    Last edited by Irish George; 11-22-2013, 03:34 PM.
    Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
    May 7, 2010

    Originally posted by Irish George View Post
    He established a Presidential Council on physical fitness and you got a patch if you did X number of situps. I still have mine.
    You know what sucked about that was the V-Sit. I had no issue with the situps, the mile run, the shuttle run. I could only get national level in pullups, but I couldn't even get the full national patch because of the V-Sit. I was never flexible enough. It sucked.


      I dont remember what that was

      I remember barely being able to walk the next day after all those situps. But I di d get my patch.
      Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
      May 7, 2010


        Originally posted by Irish George View Post
        I remember barely being able to walk the next day after all those situps. But I di d get my patch.
        We're slightly different generations, but I'm assuming the basic tests of fitness were still the same. When I was in elementary school, it was the mile run, pullups in a minute, sit-ups in a minute, the shuttle run, and the V-sit and Reach. Basically you sit, legs out, knees locked flat to the floor, and lean forward with your hands reaching on the floor. I don't remember what the levels were, maybe to your heels for national and a few inches past for presidential, but I was always in the -5, -6 six inch range.


          I think even us young guys remember that

          Originally posted by Irish George:1731108
          I remember barely being able to walk the next day after all those situps. But I di d get my patch.
          I believe the program has since been canceled because now every kid can't earn a patch.


            You're just jealous because you weren't there

            And I wasn't in any class because I and a few friends cut school that day.

            I do remember vividly walking into a candy store that afternoon to find the guy behind the counter and a woman at the counter telling me to be quiet because they're listening to the radio about the president being shot. I was about to tell them that they were full of crap when I heard the news myself.

            Later, while driving my girlfriend home, she began to cry uncontrollably. I threatened to toss her out of the car if she didn't stop. "Hey, I know this is a terrible tragedy; but you didn't even know the guy!"

            I have always viewed myself as a prince.

            And yes, every one of us can tell you exactly where they were that day. It's just something that got inscribed in your mind forever.
            "It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."


              Originally posted by JuTMSY4 View Post
              I believe the program has since been canceled because now every kid can't earn a patch.
              I'm 23 and had to do it and loved it. Presidential for everything. For the v sit we had a board to stretch across. I don't remember the numbers though. But that, the mile, pull ups or push ups in a minute or flex arm hang for so long, the shuttle, and sit ups. I feel like I'm missing something but idk what. That's a great test that should never be taken out. But how do they test kids if they don't have gym class or recess?
              COACH KELLY: I don't have an update. You can ask me again if you want.


                Mr. Rickerman's class ... 5th grade ... another teacher came in and they step out ... he comes back clearly upset and tells us.

                We had an instinct that it was somehow wrong to be happy about getting out early, but my general recollection was that we didn't really get why all the adults were so freaked.
                Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.

