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The Redskins are honoring the Navajo code talkers

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    ... and WTF fuck is in the hand of the guy on the right side of the fuckin'screen?!

    That soulless fuck probably found four Navajo Indians that kindly accepted a little holiday bourbon bribe!


      We can go with that!

      Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
      ... and WTF fuck is in the hand of the guy on the right side of the fuckin'screen?!

      That soulless fuck probably found four Navajo Indians that kindly accepted a little holiday bourbon bribe!
      Or give Danny a break and point out that it's the pylon. :-)


        The Littlest Telemarketer is probably a fuckin' R*dsk*n Giver!

        Shitty ass jackets are probably hanging on the rack again at the stadium store.


          Wow.....I didn't notice the tags before

          I do not widh to disparage these brave men who served our country proudly in it's time of need. but..............

          rght now that look about as clueless for being there as possible.
          "It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."


            It's bourbon!



              mos def!!

              that racist piece of shit!! he really knows how to pile on!

              i guarantee those fucking jackets were stripped off their backs the minute they hit the exit tunnel unless they had the $395 required to purchase one. why else would he leave the tags on?

              They're hanging back on the rack at the stadium r*dsk*n store right this minute. there's not a doubt in my mind!
              Last edited by Ellsworth; 11-27-2013, 01:42 PM.


                Klu Klux Dan keeps doubling down on evil!


                  At least it looks like

                  Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
                  Choctaw. Navajo.

                  They're all just r*dsk*ns to that greasy slimeball, The Littlest Telemarketer.

                  ... and he paraded those old unknowing geezers around in full Washington gear! WTF?

                  The second man from the left told Snyder to piss off when they approached him with a jacket emblazoned with that bullshit logo.
                  The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                    A wangnutz spread in the club box tipped him off. They had been duped by Dan.


                      Or as Snyder refers to them, the "Injun Smoke Signalers."
                      "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


                        The only, and I do mean only, saving grace of this whole R*dsk*n bullshit is watching Roger Goodell, ESPN, NBC, Fox etc. have to eat shit and grin while Snyder defends the indefensible.

                        Oh, and if the football team in ANY other city in the USA but Washington, DC were named the Redskins, its owner would have been testifying before a bunch of grandstanding Congressmen years ago. Washington politicians suck, the lot of them.


                          What a pathetic

                          Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
                          piece of shit organization. Just goes to show the kind of asinine trash Snyder is. It's one thing to defend the racial epithet but pulling this shit is low, even for him.

