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Ariens crying foul

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  • #16

    Originally posted by Phoward12 View Post
    Man, you guys are complaining about calls? I rarely bitch about refs, but did you see the 3rd down/1st down fiasco my team suffered last night?
    It was one of most incompetent pieces of officiating I've ever seen. That being said, if the Redskins hang on to either of the next two damn near perfect passes, it would be a mere footnote.
    Last edited by The Duck; 12-02-2013, 10:25 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by The Ref View Post
      Wait! Are you guys being sarcastic? Avant knocked a guy down blocking him square in the back! Are you kidding? (I assume you mean on the Shady run) If it was another play I take it back.

      When did you guys become blind homers?
      As one of the guys who wastes money and actually sits in the me it looked like Avant engaged the defender face to face....then the defender turned his back on Avant and Avant continued to push him. Perhaps that is a penalty by the rule but I don't think it should be.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Squire View Post
        As one of the guys who wastes money and actually sits in the me it looked like Avant engaged the defender face to face....then the defender turned his back on Avant and Avant continued to push him. Perhaps that is a penalty by the rule but I don't think it should be.
        Yes, that's a penalty. When the guy turned his back, (if you say so, I haven't been able to watch the all 22 yet) Avant must disengage. It's more commonly seen just like that on kick returns. And it's always been a penalty.

        I'm not agreeing with Arians, I think he's whining like a baby. But it's not wise to counter with plays where the Eagles clearly did commit a penalty. There seemed to be plenty of other non calls against the birds that the Cardinals committed. But it didn't really affect the outcome.

        Complaining about the refs is weak. For anybody. It seemed to me that the refs were letting the boys play... on both sides unless it was blatant. I don't really have a problem with that. It's like playoff football.
        Last edited by The Ref; 12-02-2013, 10:49 PM.


        • #19
          Oh, zip it you

          Originally posted by Irish George View Post
          who cares?
          Shut up before I buy five copies of your book, make you sign one of them, then wipe my ass with the other four.

          I'll leave positive feedback for each purchase though.


          • #20
            I don't think he cares what you do with 'em. Your money is as green as ours.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Susquehanna Birder View Post
              I don't think he cares what you do with 'em. Your money is as green as ours.
              I know, that was a "shut up and stop posting" written with admiration for his becoming a published author.


              • #22
                Jimmy Kempski did a great job in his "Hierarchy/Obituary column

                Provided screen shots on the stuff that wasn't called against the Cards plus the ridiculous penalty called on Jackson's punt return for a TD.


                Among the highlights, it shows the Cards TE having Mychal Kendricks in a bear hug on the first Cards TD.


                • #23
                  The same day you

                  Originally posted by The Ref View Post
                  Wait! Are you guys being sarcastic? Avant knocked a guy down blocking him square in the back! Are you kidding? (I assume you mean on the Shady run) If it was another play I take it back.

                  When did you guys become blind homers?
                  became everything anti-Chip. Glad you were spot on wrong!
                  Last edited by schuylkilli_igg; 12-05-2013, 10:43 AM. Reason: sp
                  You think its a joke!?!


                  • #24
                    Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
                    May 7, 2010

