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Tomlin was fined $100,000 and the team "may' lose picks

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  • Tomlin was fined $100,000 and the team "may' lose picks

    I doubt they lose picks. In typical fashion, the NFL will wait for this to blow over.

    It's difficult to know what Tolin's intentions were that night.

    All I can say is that IMO, he looked down and made an INTENTIONAL slide step to the very edge of the field and willfully stood in the "no-standing zone" IN FRONT of the play. That much is obvious and he was fined accordingly.

    The other thing that I haven't seen addressed enough in the media is that he stood on the playing field, even before that jump step showing him on the field. That is a serious safety hazard to Jacoby Jones and the other players, and yet Tomlin never apologizes to them, at least from what I saw of his comments.

    No fool would stand that close to the playing field, and very close to it, with your back turned to a freight train of players coming your way. To me it defies logic regarding your own safety. IMO, he had a brain fart with wanting to change the outcoming of a play in some fashion. That may be a misinterpretation, but that's my gut call.

  • #2
    My gut feeling is that he did it on purpose but a friend made a good point.

    NFL coaches have a camera on them at nearly all times - to get their reactions after a play, etc.

    If he did do it on purpose, did he think he'd not be seen?
    Your Retarded


    • #3
      IMO, it wasn't something purposefully and maliciously thought out. Being so emotionally invested as a HC, Tomlin got caught up in a moment and had a brain fart, IMO.


      • #4
        The fine is okay

        taking away draft picks for that is just going way too far. Jones wouldn't have scored anyway, and Pittsburgh still lost.
        The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


        • #5
          True, but if they do draft picks, I think late rounds at the most... Kind of hard to say if Jones gets caught or not. He broke stride at least two steps ahead of Tomlin and had to change his direction towards the Steelers defender. ... not to mention breaking Jones' concentration well before he arrived to where Tomin was standing. That could have cause some slow down with Jones.

          I can't imagine the fall out if Jacoby Jones was injured on the tackle.

