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Our (I said Our) QB lead the league in passer rating

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  • #46
    Ah fuck, broke again.
    On Trumps handicap

    “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly wrote


    • #47
      He doesn't have a bazooka but he makes most of the throws ... I'm hoping the game slows down more for him next year.

      I remember McCoy talking about how that happened to him his second year (and have heard other players say the same thing).

      If that happens, and he gets more decisive, he should start looking more like "the guy."
      Last edited by slag; 01-12-2014, 07:51 PM.
      Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


      • #48
        No actually it is...

        Originally posted by Brandonn View Post
        That is a fair argument and I agree with it. It is not the popular sentiment here.
        The point most are making, which you refuse to acknowledge in pursuit of finding 'faults' in Foles game. Yes he did hold onto the ball too long in the last few games, far too concerned with NOT throwing a pick. But what most acknowledge, and you try to dismiss, is for a player with 17 starts in the NFL, and not even a full season after a TC as the starter, his numbers indicate he has GREAT POTENTIAL. He could have a sophomore slump, BUT he is not the kind of player who thinks he is better than he is, he KNOWS he has a lot to learn.

        Since you think he is going to be a bust (which your posts allude to since you think Chip is a gimmick coach) show me one bust QB who put up the kind of statistical success Foles did in their first starting season. Better yet, show me a premier QB in the league who had a first season as good as Foles.

        The pity with a-holes like you is that you will blather your BS until proven wrong, then you will vanish into the ether, too much of a pussy to admit your a schmuck.
        The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe'


        • #49
          Originally posted by slag View Post
          He doesn't have a bazooka but he makes most of the throws ... I'm hoping the game slows down more for him next year.

          I remember McCoy talking about how that happened to him his second year (and have heard other players say the same thing).

          If that happens, and he gets more decisive, he should start looking more like "the guy."
          I agree...I think his arm is good... not great....i remember didinger and someone else saying that as bigger q bs fill out they do/can get more arm strength. He doesn't have to have vick arm strength(that's like top ten alltime) but stronger to push the ball downfield.

          He has to adapt like defenses started to adapt to him the last few games. He was up and down....but didn't go kolb which was a good thing.

          I'm hoping he is the guy... because if not.... they could be set back a few years....unless Barkley is legit
          “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”


          • #50
            Originally posted by Birdwatcher View Post
            The point most are making, which you refuse to acknowledge in pursuit of finding 'faults' in Foles game. Yes he did hold onto the ball too long in the last few games, far too concerned with NOT throwing a pick. But what most acknowledge, and you try to dismiss, is for a player with 17 starts in the NFL, and not even a full season after a TC as the starter, his numbers indicate he has GREAT POTENTIAL. He could have a sophomore slump, BUT he is not the kind of player who thinks he is better than he is, he KNOWS he has a lot to learn.

            Since you think he is going to be a bust (which your posts allude to since you think Chip is a gimmick coach) show me one bust QB who put up the kind of statistical success Foles did in their first starting season. Better yet, show me a premier QB in the league who had a first season as good as Foles.

            The pity with a-holes like you is that you will blather your BS until proven wrong, then you will vanish into the ether, too much of a pussy to admit your a schmuck.
            Even the best qbs at their start held the ball too long at times. If he can't learn to get rid of it.... then yes...we have a problem
            “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”


            • #51
              I agree.

              Assuming Diddy saw open windows that Foles rejected to check down to more conservative plays, so what?

              You have a guy in his first playoff game feeling his way early?

              No surprise there.

              I'm not going to get into Cooper ... because I know thats a red cape for you, but him going there with the ball makes sense in the context of what I just wrote as well.

              Like I posted below, hopefully the game slows down for him next year and he gets more comfortable with taking shots in big games.

              He did start to go to Jackson later and had three scoring drives the last three times he had the ball.
              Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


              • #52
                His arm is more than adequate, but something else to consider, the iggs are of course play at home in an open stadium, and can have as bad of weather (see Detroit game) as any one in the league.

                I want a QB that can hold onto the damn ball, Romo, Brees, Farve, Stafford,etc, have all had a tough time holding onto the ball when it gets slick, evidently in this regard Foles is more like a Roethlisberger or a Flacco.

                Just something else to add as an intangible.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by nerd View Post
                  I agree...I think his arm is good... not great....i remember didinger and someone else saying that as bigger q bs fill out they do/can get more arm strength. He doesn't have to have vick arm strength(that's like top ten alltime) but stronger to push the ball downfield.

                  He has to adapt like defenses started to adapt to him the last few games. He was up and down....but didn't go kolb which was a good thing.

                  I'm hoping he is the guy... because if not.... they could be set back a few years....unless Barkley is legit
                  I think Foles' arm strength may be a little discounted because people who follow the Eagles are used to seeing QBs like Vick and McNabb who had very strong arms. Foles' arm strength is nowhere near those guys but the point of reference for Eagles fans is high.
                  "We choose to go to the moon."


                  • #54
                    Maybe that's how the whole "rag arm" thing got started. I see a qb with a perfectly adequate arm, and wonder if I'm watching the right game.

                    I don't know that he "shows" his arm strength as often as Mcnabb did, either, which may be a good thing. Mcnabb, particularly early in his career, tended to gun passes when they didn't need to be gunned. I would have gladly traded some of Mcnabb's arm strength for more consistancy and touch.


                    • #55

                      Originally posted by slag View Post
                      I agree.

                      Assuming Diddy saw open windows that Foles rejected to check down to more conservative plays, so what?

                      You have a guy in his first playoff game feeling his way early?

                      No surprise there.

                      I'm not going to get into Cooper ... because I know thats a red cape for you, but him going there with the ball makes sense in the context of what I just wrote as well.

                      Like I posted below, hopefully the game slows down for him next year and he gets more comfortable with taking shots in big games.

                      He did start to go to Jackson later and had three scoring drives the last three times he had the ball.

                      I think this is the play that a lot of people are harping on. He had Celek open and checked it down to Avant, who got tackled immediately.

                      Then on this throw, he had DJax open down the field and tried to force it to Celek.

                      I don't know, those don't seem that egregious to me.
                      "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by The Ref View Post
                        Bizarre success. Hats off to him. Making any restaurant business successful is really difficult. Usually happens on the apron strings of a great chef. In his case, upscale seafood restaurants. Especially clever in landlocked Austin. Twelve years from startup to a grand sale of what became (or is becoming) a franchise.


                        I've eaten at Eddy V's many times. I usually stay at Residence Inn by the Arboretum which is right around the corner. Unlike the rest of that shitty state Austin is a great town with tons of great restaurants. I almost moved there but I was having trouble selling my house and couldn't take the job.

                        Last edited by Dolomite; 01-13-2014, 11:18 AM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Brandonn View Post
                          I actually think the defenses got a bad wrap and Chips offense in general sets is defense up to fail. Th quick 3 and outs will eventually tire the defense which is exactly what happened.
                          Wrong again.

                          A popular theory (and one we’ve tackled before in this space) goes like this: The Eagles’ offense moved fast. It didn’t always score, and when it did, it scored quickly. As a result, opponents got more possessions per game than they otherwise would have. And that’s why the Eagles’ defense was on the field so much.

                          The only problem? The numbers don’t back up the theory.

                          Football Outsiders keeps track of such things. The Eagles’ defense was on the field for 190 possessions during the regular season. The league average was 186. Said in another way: On average, defenses faced 11.6 possessions per game last season. And the Eagles faced 11.9. Eleven other teams faced as many possessions as the Birds.

                          So then, if the Eagles’ up-tempo offense wasn’t to blame for the defense playing so many snaps, what was the reason?

                          “I think it really ties in to us defensively, with us being able to stop people,” Ryans said. “Just because our offense scores doesn’t mean we have to go out and play a 10-play drive. We can go out and get a three-and-out and get off the field or get a turnover. Then our snaps are limited and we can give our offense a chance to play more snaps. So I think most of those snaps fell on us defensively and not our offense and their quick tempo, them scoring quickly. It was moreso us and not getting off when we had favorable third downs, not getting off the field.

                          The man speaks the truth.

                          Getting off the field was a major issue for the Eagles’ defense all season long. Opponents averaged 6.17 plays per drive against them, the second-worst mark in the league.

                          The Eagles forced three-and-outs 18.9 percent of the time; that ranked 30th. And opponents converted on 41.15 percent of their third-down opportunities against the Eagles’ defense (24th).
                          Last edited by Melchior; 01-13-2014, 11:36 AM.
                          "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


                          • #58
                            And with those canons, McNabb and Vick still managed to regularly over/underthrow receivers. I'll take what Foles gives us over that any day.
                            -Slizz of Wangnutz


                            • #59
                              Kaepernick and Wilson this year had something Foles did not, a kick-ass defense. Foles is tentative at times yes but I'll take that. Imagine if he threw as many picks as some of these other QB's did, no way we'd have 10 wins with our weak defense.

