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Where's Kelly Green?

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    Where's Kelly Green?

    Why isn't he checking in from Colonial Williamsburg?

    I think I found him.

    He's down in there someplace...

    John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.



      Why post when there's so much off season drivel? If it's interesting, I post. If not, I let the masses rant on.
      "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


        Way to Go KG!


          Yo Monty! About YOUR Winter

          Back here in the Philly burbs we've had one of the worst winters anybody can remember. We've had cold with a capital "C", ice storms, snow -- one on top of the other -- and more potholes than the moon has craters.

          Then I saw your reply to my post and I got to thinking that winters like this may be the norm for you! So, dude, what HAS your winter been like? If our winter is average for you, how have you kept from going stark raving mad??!!
          "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


            Apparently he's been busy playing candy crush.


              Bwahahahaha! Are you serious?

              My 76 year old mother-in-law plays that.


                Yep. What's worse is that I got the invitation to play at 4:20 AM the other day.


                  Two Things...

                  1. I never sent it. Apparently the damn program must tap your address book and it sends "invitations' automatically. If I could turn such stuff off I would.

                  2. I'm up to level 102. So there (my wife is at 148 or something like that and my daughter-in-law and our granddaughters are up to, like 200 if it goes that high).
                  "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


                    I knew there was a reason why you weren't around

                    That stupid Candy Crush turned my mother-in-law into a vegetable. I was talking to her about it. She said you have to PAY for it! what what WHHHHAAAATTTT?????


                      Actually It's Free

                      They offer you extras that help you win but you gotta fork over some cash. If you want to take your chances on getting through the level on your own, you can and you never have to spend cent one.

                      However, if you get down to one more left, and you've tried to beat the rotten @#$%&?> thing 8 times already, and you see a way of winning, you can --- for example -- "buy" five extra turns for 99 cents. My personal favorite (only purchased when I get really desperate) is three "hammers" for a buck-99. You click on the space you want to destroy and the hammer pounds it into smithereens!

                      By the way, don't start playing it. It's like a drug -- you WILL get hooked.
                      "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


                        Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
                        They offer you extras that help you win but you gotta fork over some cash. If you want to take your chances on getting through the level on your own, you can and you never have to spend cent one.

                        However, if you get down to one more left, and you've tried to beat the rotten @#$%&?> thing 8 times already, and you see a way of winning, you can --- for example -- "buy" five extra turns for 99 cents. My personal favorite (only purchased when I get really desperate) is three "hammers" for a buck-99. You click on the space you want to destroy and the hammer pounds it into smithereens!

                        By the way, don't start playing it. It's like a drug -- you WILL get hooked.
                        The next thing you know, you'll be giving handjobs for cash, just so you can buy more Color Bombs and Jelly Fish.
                        "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


                          I have no interest in games....

                          Absolutely none. Never played video games. Never played these online games. When I was still on Facenutz almost 2 years ago, I got so p*ssed at all of these "friends" that were obsessed with Bejeweled Blitz. I figured out a way to hack Bejeweled with an add-on for Mozilla Firefox called Greasemonkey. This thing would run a script that would turn off the clock on Bejeweled and I could score as many points as I wanted. So what I would do is wait for all of these azzwipes to start crowing about their score and I would score just a hair more and become the "weekly champion!" Bwahahahaha! It would give me all of these stars and medals and sh*t!!!! These randoms got so mad at me. Bwahahahahahaha! Oh that was great!


                            Kelly Green!


                              Oh Come On

                              You already have a monopoly on that -- you don't have to worry about anybody horning in on your gig.
                              "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"

