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OT: What would you do?

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    OT: What would you do?

    It's starting to get really nice out, so I'd like to save a little coin on taking my dogs to doggie daycare. My solution has been locking them in the garage, with the door propped open that leads out into my fenced-in yard.

    After two days of doing this, my neighbor rings my doorbell at 6:50 this morning complaining that "Your dogs are in the yard barking all day!" Her two dogs (which I admit bark less than mine) are out in her yard all day as well.

    I've drafted a letter, seeing if we might be able to come to an arrangement that works for both of us. Maybe I come home and let them in at lunchtime, or guarantee that they're inside by 5:30 every evening. I just don't think in a neighborhood full of barking dogs, I should have to not put mine in my own yard and have her complain just because I'm the closest target to bitch at.

    Am I an asshole for this?
    -Slizz of Wangnutz

    Somehow, this is directed towards me isn't it?


      are your dogs barking because your neighbor's are out in the yard? If she didn't put her dogs out, would your's bark excessively?


        Pretty much. My one dog (a mutt) just barks because she wants in. I'm hoping that after a week or so, she'll get used to it.

        I thought about leaving the mutt in and the shiba outside because he's cool with it, but I think they'll just sit that the sliding door and bark at each other all day.
        -Slizz of Wangnutz


          I'm not thinking of killing them, so no.
          -Slizz of Wangnutz


            don't write a letter

            Originally posted by BigSlizz View Post
            Pretty much. My one dog (a mutt) just barks because she wants in. I'm hoping that after a week or so, she'll get used to it.

            I thought about leaving the mutt in and the shiba outside because he's cool with it, but I think they'll just sit that the sliding door and bark at each other all day.
            it's super passive-aggressive. I'd go with, "if you;re allowed to leave your dogs out, so am I. Otherwise, no one is"


              No, you're not an a**hole. Sounds like the neighbor might be.
              I think you've got to give the mutt time to adapt (how old)?
              We had windows replaced in our house last year and it was only on day three that our dog stopped barking at the workmen.


                I actually want to put off the passive-aggressive vibe. This neighbor is a little crazy. They're gun nuts, and friends with every cop in town. When they see people driving faster than they'd like, there's suddenly a cop hiding on a side street.

                I'm hoping the letter says, "I'm willing to work with you here, if you'll work with me. Play ball, and I'd be happy to share some of my Yuengling with you."
                -Slizz of Wangnutz


                  I would probably not leave my dog outside. I would keep them in and stop by around lunch to let them out or have someone you trust do it. It sucks for the dog but fixes the problem


                    She's almost 6. And she LOVES my neighbor's husband. Goes over to the gate and lays down for him anytime she sees him in the yard. But I'm sure they're right that she just won't shut the hell up.
                    -Slizz of Wangnutz


                      It actually doesn't fix the problem. The problem is the shiba just under two years old and is a little fuckwad. The reason they were in daycare in the first place was that little shit head can't stop eating my wife's shoes and the furniture.

                      Side note - NEVER get a shiba inu. Most stubborn, cunty dogs in the world. They're also super cute and loyal, but what a fucking prick he is.
                      -Slizz of Wangnutz


                        Originally posted by BigSlizz View Post

                        Side note - NEVER get a shiba inu. Most stubborn, cunty dogs in the world. They're also super cute and loyal, but what a fucking prick he is.
                        Sounds like Vick's kind of dog...


                          I threaten to send him to live with MV daily.
                          -Slizz of Wangnutz


                            Originally posted by BigSlizz View Post
                            It actually doesn't fix the problem. The problem is the shiba just under two years old and is a little fuckwad. The reason they were in daycare in the first place was that little shit head can't stop eating my wife's shoes and the furniture.

                            Side note - NEVER get a shiba inu. Most stubborn, cunty dogs in the world. They're also super cute and loyal, but what a fucking prick he is.
                            Fuck it, let it ride. Try to schmooze the neighbors as much as possible and see what happens? I have a large breed dog and he is smart and strong and likes things that move like cars, bicycles, birds, toddlers. He is just over two years old now and does not know how big he is, I know he can jump the fence outside if he wanted too. I couldn't think of leaving him in the yard unsupervised just from a liability standpoint. It looks like your situation has a littler more gray than mine.


                              Originally posted by BigSlizz View Post
                              It actually doesn't fix the problem. The problem is the shiba just under two years old and is a little fuckwad. The reason they were in daycare in the first place was that little shit head can't stop eating my wife's shoes and the furniture.

                              Side note - NEVER get a shiba inu. Most stubborn, cunty dogs in the world. They're also super cute and loyal, but what a fucking prick he is.
                              Yeah, Shiba Inu's suck. Somewhat inhumane, but have you considered the shock collars?
                              Last edited by Melchior; 03-13-2014, 04:29 PM.
                              "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike

