
No announcement yet. confirmed tO NFLPA the eagles did not leak gang rumors to them

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new posts confirmed tO NFLPA the eagles did not leak gang rumors to them

    @Ike58Reese: “@JohnKincade: The factual inaccuracies of the SAS DJax Interview
    @CBSSportsRadio” I'm tuned in
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 04-06-2014, 08:38 AM.

    Oh boy, here we go. This should bring all the lunatics out from both sides. Me I will spend a wonderful day outside in the yard.
    On Trumps handicap

    “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly wrote


      Selective articulation of the premise. Eagles didn't have to do it themselves for it to be leaked.
      WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


        Bwah...I know what you mean.


          I agree with this post.


            Me too. Got a brand new mower to put together and 2 kid soccer games today.

            65 and perfect here.


              I really think Kelly cut him just because he was a Major PITA.


                Agreed. But I also believe the Eagles fed the gang story even if it was 2nd hand
                WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


                  Replacing the railing on my front porch

                  Much more important and satisfying than obsessing on this crap.


                    I'm going for a trail run

                    Originally posted by Ellsworth View Post
                    Me too. Got a brand new mower to put together and 2 kid soccer games today.

                    65 and perfect here.
                    And some yard work too.
                    "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                      Im fine with it....

                      Originally posted by Susquehanna Birder View Post
                      Bwah...I know what you mean.
                      this is what happens when you do not address the Media and Fans with some kind of ,,"blow it up your ass" story,,,ok,,anything,,,but since they said nothing it lets all the Mediots just run wild,,,,this is what U get.....100% on the Iggles front office.

                      Im happy it wasn't draft defense at 22 and I'll be happy
                      Last edited by TRENT; 04-06-2014, 10:09 AM.
                      OFFICIAL BOARD DRUG CZAR


                        When asked about Jackson's alleged gang ties, team officials said they were unaware of the ties and would not comment.
                        Really? The Eagles detective squad missed the gang signs and instagram pictures. That's a flat-out lie.

                        I'd also be curious to know how many other players skipped their exit interview.
                        Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


                          Originally posted by Maniac View Post
                          Really? The Eagles detective squad missed the gang signs and instagram pictures. That's a flat-out lie.

                          I'd also be curious to know how many other players skipped their exit interview.
                          So now you are bitching that the Eagles say they dont know of gang ties when you spent the last couple days arguing that he doesnt have them and the eagles made it up.

                          If you are going to be a troll can you try to at least keep your schtick in order? Or is it you just hate the eagles?


                            As long as the Eagles officially remain completely shitballs terrified to make any official public comments they will sign their name to, they remain under suspicion to me. Something about this situation stinks and they know it.


                              I don't recall a single article in this entire fiasco from any media outlet that didn't quote "unnamed sources within the team".

                              The entire debacle was fueled by these anonymous quotes.

                              Sheil Kapadia and Tim McManus were the only ones who tempered them.

