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Conf To Snakebitten

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    Conf To Snakebitten

    There's been more posts about the Sixers and the NBA in the past 24 hours than there were about the Flyers or the NHL in the last 24 months.

    But, hey, they couldn't sell out a playoff game when Dr. J was here, so, clearly the Flyers reign supreme.

    I refuse to get in it with Stepfords. I may if I'm bored but I know I can't win. The fact that they get this type of attention after sucking for so long says it all. If this team could build one of those teams we've seen in the recent past (Heat, Spurs, Lakers, Boston, etc), this city would go crazy.

    In the early 80s, you had all four teams with recent success. You had your pick of the litter. After 40 years of mismanagement with no end in site, the normal '4 for 4' Philly fans have seen enough. Snider can't separate himself from the past. Regardless of what some may think, this board is a very good barometer of all Philly sports.
    Last edited by Snakebitten; 05-21-2014, 10:26 AM.

