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hey riccardo

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    hey riccardo

    Doing some post-work running in the early evening humidity in prep for 'the running of the geezers' with IG in August. I've decided that evening runs in humidity totally suck. Well earn that post-race brew.

    Me too

    Originally posted by AthensEagle View Post
    Doing some post-work running in the early evening humidity in prep for 'the running of the geezers' with IG in August. I've decided that evening runs in humidity totally suck. Well earn that post-race brew.
    Did a 10K last night - set a PR @53:34
    "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


      damn dude

      Fastest judas priest fan alive


        Hahah.. I sweat my ass off

        Completely soaked at the end. Can only imagine what jersey shore in aug is gonna be like. I expect will need at least one run into the surf to cool off
        "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


          If you're running that fast, do the Philly 13.1 in November and join us at the Titans game aftet the race. We're doing full, so we'll miss the pre-gayte.


            Maybe - never done a half marathon

            Don't think that speed is sustainable over another 7 miles tho - I was slowing down:

            View Rick Robinson's run on May 21, 2014 | Strava
            "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


              13.1 isn't about the speed the first time. Just try to break 2 hours.


                You guys have to come out to the gym now that we have a new spot. Great facility. We are killing it there...

                Gonna do this hero workout saturday that makes your geezersize look like nothing.

                Mile run. 100 pull ups. 200 pushups. 300 squats. Mile run. Heres the kicker, gotta wear a 25 lb weight vest and its for time.
                WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


                  hero workout? sounds like a hoagay workout

                  Originally posted by Diggle View Post
                  You guys have to come out to the gym now that we have a new spot. Great facility. We are killing it there...

                  Gonna do this hero workout saturday that makes your geezersize look like nothing.

                  Mile run. 100 pull ups. 200 pushups. 300 squats. Mile run. Heres the kicker, gotta wear a 25 lb weight vest and its for time.
                  Kidding - sounds intense. I've been doing less weight training and more aerobic - mostly biking and some running.
                  "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                    Yup, that does make us look like we're doing geezercise. If I have to do 100 pull-ups, the trainer will have time to go to Atlantic City and back before I finish that. Riccardo the monkey king would do them with one arm.


                      They call them hero workouts bc they are named after fallen soldiers. This one is for "Murph" who died in Afganistan in 2008 and won the Congressional Medal of Honor. If you google Murph the protector, they made a movie about his heroics
                      WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


                        You can break up the 100/200/300 however you need to.

                        I do 20 rounds of 5/10/15
                        WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


                          Navy SEAL. He has a destroyer named after him in Pearl Harbor.


                            here's the rule of thumb

                            Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                            Don't think that speed is sustainable over another 7 miles tho - I was slowing down:

                            I might be old and slow now, but at one time I was pretty good.

                            Go over your last three months of training (you're keeping a log, right?) and figure out you daily average mileage. This is your "base" mileage. You can easily do three times that number on race day.

                            As for sustaining your pace, that is all about how you go out of the shoot. I recommend a conservative approach at Sea Isle, a bit slower than your normal race pace. Try to tuck in behind somebody (preferably a girl with a great ass) and let them draft for you. The wind in that race can be a killer.
                            Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
                            May 7, 2010


                              be careful with the weight vest

                              Originally posted by Diggle View Post
                              You guys have to come out to the gym now that we have a new spot. Great facility. We are killing it there...

                              Gonna do this hero workout saturday that makes your geezersize look like nothing.

                              Mile run. 100 pull ups. 200 pushups. 300 squats. Mile run. Heres the kicker, gotta wear a 25 lb weight vest and its for time.
                              seriously, that can fuck up your joints.
                              Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
                              May 7, 2010

