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Soccer...the hipster sport!!!

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    Soccer...the hipster sport!!!

    Did you see the media coverage of the crowd at the Piazza at Schmidts??? I give them credit...must ahve been a couple thousand there...but was hipsterville
    Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
    May 7, 2010

    Seems like there was some "plaza" viewing all over

    Saw some website where they showed reactions to goals all over the country. Who da thunk it?


      I thought frisbee anything was the hipster sport.

      Frisbee golf. Frisbee baseball. Frisbee football. Frisbee Twister.
      John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.


        The Piazza is where kids from Jersey go to hang out instead of the mall
        WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


          I know there are soccer aficionados here but it's barely watchable for me. I like the World Cup as an event. The games are mostly boring. If I watch one more player fake a foul I'll puke. It's what has turned me off to NBA. Do we really need the shooter throwing a knee on every play for contact? Props to the officials who ignore this weak shit.
          Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


            hipster has become a blanket meaningless term but soccer is one of the leading sports that people pretend to like.



              if it wears skinny jeans, carries a messenger bag, wears oversized aviator shades at night and smokes a corncob pipe while walking at least two dogs...its a hipster
              Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
              May 7, 2010


                People who enjoy soccer don't enjoy diving either.

                EDITED TO ADD: And I seriously doubt you'd find the NFL barely watchable if players started faking penalties at the same rate as in top level soccer.
                Last edited by slag; 06-18-2014, 07:35 AM.
                Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                  Originally posted by Diggle View Post
                  The Piazza is where kids from Jersey go to hang out instead of the mall


                    Originally posted by slag View Post
                    People who enjoy soccer don't enjoy diving either.

                    EDITED TO ADD: And I seriously doubt you'd find the NFL barely watchable if players started faking penalties at the same rate as in top level soccer.
                    The NFL has a helluva lot more going for it. They do try to fake some penalties but not really that many opportunities and they don't disrupt the flow of the game.

                    The World Cup is a cool event but one dose of soccer every four years is plenty for me.
                    Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


                      I only watch top pro soccer.

                      World Cup, Premier League, La Liga, Champions League, etc.

                      I took the time to try to understand what's going on between goals ... when I used to think it was a boring game of keep away.

                      Once you get that the game of keep away requires serious skill and that there is a strategy (which, frankly I only have a rudimentary knowledge of), the play at that level is much more watchable and sometimes fucking amazing.

                      Even with the drama queen fouls.
                      Last edited by slag; 06-18-2014, 09:31 AM.
                      Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                        PS - the television breaks in the NFL ... particularly when you are at the stadium ... does more to disrupt the flow of play than diving does in pro soccer IMO.
                        Last edited by slag; 06-18-2014, 09:36 AM.
                        Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                          I'm with you. While you did not opine on the topic, I find MLS unwatchable compared to Premier League.


                            Originally posted by art vandelay View Post
                            hipster has become a blanket meaningless term but soccer is one of the leading sports that people pretend to like.
                            It's like what the term "nerd" has become.

                            Former preppy cheerleaders put on a pair of fake glasses and post to Instagram that they're a "nerd"


                              Originally posted by Irish George View Post
                              if it wears skinny jeans, carries a messenger bag, wears oversized aviator shades at night and smokes a corncob pipe while walking at least two dogs...its a hipster
                              I hear what you're saying but all this shit has become so popular that it's not really hip anymore. It's just people in 2014.

