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Was thinking about best/worst Philly organizations

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    Was thinking about best/worst Philly organizations

    Top to bottom. Sports related, so SEPTA and City Council don't qualify. Here's how I see it:

    1. Sixers. They have a strategy, and they stick to it. It might not work if Embiid turfs, etc., but give them credit for having the balls to stick with it. Then, right down to the coaches, they are all aligned with the strategy, and coach the players (and play the players) consistent with that strategy.

    2. Eagles. They too have a strategy in acquiring big fast players who can survive the pace, particularly on the offense. Again, it might take a while for them to see if the strategy works, but at least on offense the front office and coaches and players all seem to be aligned. Right down to their steroid-laced smoothies.

    3. Flyers. They haven't had a strategy for twenty years other than to sign players to extra large contracts then trade them. Or sign one free agent goalie after another. The only reason that they aren't in last place is because Hextall seems to have an actual plan. Now let's see if Mr. Snider allows him to execute it.

    4. Phillies. Unless Montgomery's latest quotes on keeping key players is just a way of driving their trade value up, there is no apparent strategy here. RAJ seems clueless whether the plan should be rebuilding or hoping that old players get young, and the players are playing like they just don't care at all. At all. No heartbeat.

    Agree but Id rank the Flyers and Phillies as tied for last
    WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


      I give the Flyers the edge for two reasons

      Originally posted by Diggle View Post
      Agree but Id rank the Flyers and Phillies as tied for last
      1. Hextall Hope
      2. Snider can't live forever


        I think the Phils have to be last, because, like you said, they don't even seem to realize there's no hope left with this roster.

        Even if they did decide to make the moves, I'd still have them last if RAJ is the one pulling the trigger. He needs to be shitcanned and Gillick needs to become interim GM to get back max value for the old heads while they make the right decision picking the next GM.


          watched the phillies today... Holy hell they blow.. 1-9 in the last 10 games


            Mostly agree but I gotta flip the Flyers and Phils in your lineup. Phils are a disaster but at least they won it all before they went to shit. The strategy clearly was short-sighted but winning a championship is the definition of success, so credit where it's due I say. Flyers are just a straight up joke each and every year.


              i'd rank the eagles first. the sixes haven't been relevant since 2001. the eagles have made the playoffs 8 times since then including a trip to the super bowl. they're consistent. plenty of nba teams try to tank and maximize lottery picks.

              the phillies rank above the flyers. RAJ sucks but he's only been failing for 3 years. the flyers have been failing for 20. have to wait for the lifetime achievement contracts of the 08 phillies to run out and see how RAJ resets before you can say they're as big a wreck as the flyers.

