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Ice bucket challenge

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    I understand your sentiment and there's an element of truth to that, but the reality is, people have donated a lot of money because of it. Would it be nice if people donated like this on their own? Of course, but, anything that gets people to donate their money or time to a good cause is a good thing.

    I think people who are putting forth your argument are losing the forest for the trees. The problem isn't with the ice bucket challenge. The problem, perhaps, is with a culture that requires something like the ice bucket challenge to get people to do more. I'll agree with that 100%. But poo poo'ing the vehicle that actually changes the norm, even if it is just for a month, is misguided IMO.
    Last edited by McCarthy12; 08-18-2014, 12:14 PM.
    "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


      I think it's brilliant from a marketing perspective, and I'm very happy that it's helping raise a lot of money for a good cause. I just think that (maybe unfairly) that many of the participants aren't involved for the right reason, it's more about them not ALS.


        No, I don't think it's totally unfair. As you said, if what you regularly see on facebook is any indication, you are probably right. I know most of my friends who did a video also donated money and the numbers indicate that a lot of people have. However, I completely agree that if you made a video and didn't donate, that is pretty lame. Really lame, actually.
        "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


          Originally posted by TROGDOR View Post
          It's perfect for the typical facenutter that wants to make everything as self centered as possible. It's not about ALS anymore, it's about everyone being able to show how *THEY* are part of it.

          I have my own thing I want to start. If i donate money to ALS, can i dump icewater on someone else and video tape it?
          I'd say that it's a good way to harness the narcissism that is inherent to Facebook and use it for something productive rather than just pointing out what someone ate for lunch today.
          Your Retarded


            I think it's just like breast cancer "awareness" gimmicks. Everyone is already aware of breast cancer, but the gimmicks are ultimately for a good cause.


              But it's not narcissistic or self centered to Poo Poo on a, "Cheesey" yet very effective way to get people to donate money to a good cause? If you don't like it I get, but to blast other people who took the challenge is lame and shows that there are a lot of A-Holes in this world. If you don't like it or think it's lame that's fine. But keep it to yourself.


                Originally posted by art vandelay View Post
                I think it's just like breast cancer "awareness" gimmicks. Everyone is already aware of breast cancer, but the gimmicks are ultimately for a good cause.
                The most "Facebook" thing I've seen is a couple I know who talked about some other physical actively they did and how they create their own challenges that are more meaningful to them than the ice bucket challenge, etc.

                They still support funding for ALS and think it's great, etc. but they really made it so much more about themselves than if they just did the ice bucket video.
                Your Retarded


                  "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot



                    SOmebody needs to challenge the Iron Sheik.


                      I'd guess there are more people with their heads in their colon than not. That's a matter of opinion I guess. Even so, the simple deed has raised a shit ton of money. What's the problem? You guys are tired of seeing all these narcissistic people donating money to charity?


                        For me it's not so much a problem as a source of amusement at the herd mentality that facenutz promotes. Great for the ALS association, though. Mayne not so great for all the other worthy causes that may see their donations drop due to social media peer pressure.


                          Ok, this is pure entertainment...


                            So an hour ago I'm walking 3rd ave manhattan

                            Originally posted by Irish George View Post
                            would love to smack the azzhole who came up with that one.
                            To the subway station and I see all these people lined up on a sidewalk with phones ready to take pics. I assume its street performers, then see 10 dicks on the other side of the walk with buckets of ice and water in front of them. I booed as I walked by
                            "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                              Eagles Ice Pool

                              I give Kelly an 8.5 ... 1.5 deduction for not clearing the edge with his feet.

                              The Russian judge gave him a fucking 7 ... which is bullshit.

                              Last edited by slag; 08-20-2014, 12:37 PM.
                              Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                                Originally posted by slag View Post
                                I give Kelly an 8.5 ... 1.5 deduction for not clearing the edge with his feet.

                                The Russian judge gave him a fucking 7 ... which is bullshit.

                                I give him extra points for yelling "we're just gonna go right over the top" as he's diving in.

