Let me preface my grumble with the fact that Iggs are 3-0 and I'm lovin it!
That being said...we need to improve our pass-rush (duh).
It appears to me, and many whom I watch the games with...our D-Line and even Linebackers rarely "come-free" with a bead on the QB.
At each snap...it looks like they engage, hold, and try to react. rather than swim/spin/cross or whatever to gain separation.
It looks like a bunch of "Dancing Bears"?
Is this scheme...or lack of athleticism?
Frustrating to watch...
OK, comment please (especially those that want to feel really tough and smart and reply with the usual smart-azz comment...'cause your so smart)
That being said...we need to improve our pass-rush (duh).
It appears to me, and many whom I watch the games with...our D-Line and even Linebackers rarely "come-free" with a bead on the QB.
At each snap...it looks like they engage, hold, and try to react. rather than swim/spin/cross or whatever to gain separation.
It looks like a bunch of "Dancing Bears"?
Is this scheme...or lack of athleticism?
Frustrating to watch...
OK, comment please (especially those that want to feel really tough and smart and reply with the usual smart-azz comment...'cause your so smart)
