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KG you have 24 hours to accept the Challenge

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    KG you have 24 hours to accept the Challenge

    Or donate your Civl War memorbillia to Gettysburg!

    'Scuse Me...

    "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


      Yes SUNDAY- FUNDAY- SUNDAY!! Come to the gayte. many posters have never met ya.
      And who knows, perhaps Zubaz will roll someone and slip a ticket in your pocket.


        KG, don't make me drive all that way again

        Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
        and not show up.
        The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


          I'll Probably Decide Friday

          Kelly Gregg has been talking about having a family dinner Sunday. My wife will talk to him tonight when I'm covering a football game -- so the best I can do is make a decision tomorrow.

          My enthusiasm for the Gate waned considerably during my "vacation" -- I think it's common knowledge who's to blame.
          "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


            Two Gap, right?

            Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post

            My enthusiasm for the Gate waned considerably during my "vacation" -- I think it's common knowledge who's to blame.
            "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


              Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post

              My enthusiasm for the Gate waned considerably during my "vacation" -- I think it's common knowledge who's to blame.
              Cut your nose to spite your face ? Come on dude

              Life is short KG and you can exact revenge when you pen your memoirs.

              Go to the gayte. Go to the gayte. Go to the gayte. Go to the gayte.
              Go to the gayte. Go to the gayte. Go to the gayte. Go to the gayte.

              RainMan kept a book of "serious hurts done to me", just follow his lead and you'll have a full accounting to publish someday

              But missing out on good times with good friends is silly.
              Remember: You haven't got much time left; none of us do


                As always, everything KG does reeks of him wanting attention. He wants us to beg even more for him to come. We're on to your ways.


                  Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
                  Kelly Gregg has been talking about having a family dinner Sunday. My wife will talk to him tonight when I'm covering a football game -- so the best I can do is make a decision tomorrow.

                  My enthusiasm for the Gate waned considerably during my "vacation" -- I think it's common knowledge who's to blame.
                  You owe me an apology for wishing death on me.
                  It IS About Me Asshole
                  Fuck off, moron. - Kelly Green


                    Yeah, we know who's to blame

                    Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
                    Kelly Gregg has been talking about having a family dinner Sunday. My wife will talk to him tonight when I'm covering a football game -- so the best I can do is make a decision tomorrow.

                    My enthusiasm for the Gate waned considerably during my "vacation" -- I think it's common knowledge who's to blame.
                    but Weizer's gone, so you don't have to worry about him anymore.
                    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                      Originally posted by EagleFanInMD View Post
                      Yes SUNDAY- FUNDAY- SUNDAY!! Come to the gayte. many posters have never met ya.
                      And who knows, perhaps Zubaz will roll someone and slip a ticket in your pocket.

                      Tailgayting was different in the old days...

                      Last edited by PackWest; 10-02-2014, 02:37 PM.


                        Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
                        Kelly Gregg has been talking about having a family dinner Sunday. My wife will talk to him tonight when I'm covering a football game -- so the best I can do is make a decision tomorrow.

                        My enthusiasm for the Gate waned considerably during my "vacation" -- I think it's common knowledge who's to blame.
                        Dude, the board busts my balls all the time, and I came from Tennessee to go to the gayte at the Foreskins game. Show some thick skin.


                          You Can't Even BEGIN...

                 apologize for what you did to me.
                          "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


                            Busting Somebody's Balls Is One Thing...

                            ...linking that person to the biggest butcher this world has ever known is something else entirely.
                            "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


                              Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
                              ...linking that person to the biggest butcher this world has ever known is something else entirely.
                              Oh for fuck's sake. You're like a brick frickin wall. You're the kind of person who would go to a comedy show and leave disgusted when the comedian makes jokes about taboo subjects.

