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Free Jameis!

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    Free Jameis!

    I have no words for what I just read but damn the liberal media!

    After sifting through that gibberish article written by a mentally retarded conservative, I found this:

    Very interesting to read what the actual facts are. It definitely feels biased but it's hard to look at the sexual assault case and come to any other conclusion other than he was innocent and potentially the victim in the case.

    They failed to talk about the F her in the P in front of a hundred students though.


      I had to stop reading after the author attempted to rebut her claim that she was intoxicated by stating that she was legally drunk, just not legally drunk enough. It also forgot to mention the stolen crab legs (!) and the bb gun battles resulting in thousands of dollars of property damage (see the NYT article - slightly more unbiased than a Florida State fan site). No worries thought, FSU is going to "let it play out!"

      Winston is, at best, one of the biggest knuckleheads ever to play Division 1 athletics - that's giving him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't rape that girl. What an embarrassment.
      "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


        Go back and read it again, its a fake story, there is no Rufus Swearingen
        On Trumps handicap

        “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly wrote


          I wasn't talking about that link - the one the second poster linked.
          "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


            Originally posted by McCarthy12 View Post
            I had to stop reading after the author attempted to rebut her claim that she was intoxicated by stating that she was legally drunk, just not legally drunk enough.
            The point was she said she was too drunk to consent. At that BAC it's not even in the realm of possibility. I think most would agree that at less than a .08 or even a .10, though you are impaired - you would have the capacity to consent or not. You are not completely out of it. I think it's a fair statement and pertinent.


              I like how they refer to Winston as a "then unknown" football player. That's some legit spin.

              A) I remember seeing articles on Deadspin about him during the team's photo/media day because he was being goofy, dancing, joking, basically becoming the center of attention. Not an issue, but he wasn't some timid redshirt freshman who didn't want people to know who he was.

              B) Any FSU fan who tries to act like the starting QB for the team is at any point an "unknown" is just flat out lying. Casual fans, sure, MAYBE, but in a community that prides themselves on being some of the most diehard fans in all of college sports, to say that the redshirt freshman starting QB was an unknown is a joke.
              Last edited by Sect 236; 10-17-2014, 09:48 AM.


                I watched the beginning of the Rachel Maddow Show

                Originally posted by broadstreetparade View Post
                I have no words for what I just read but damn the liberal media!

                last night (not sure why). Anyway, she dedicated the first ten minutes to this Joe Biden story, his son getting kicked out of the Navy for cocaine. Interviewing the WSJ reporter and all. I figured it was just another attempt by the liberal media to bury the story by covering it.



                  Maybe. Depends on the person. People react to alcohol differently and there are other factors to consider other than the BAC alone. My point is that to say "her BAC was only X (with X being high enough, in this case, to get a DUI in some states)" as dispositive proof that she was ok to consent is not a credible argument IMO.

                  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's guilty of anything. In fact, if we're being fair, you have to say he didn't do it as the police department chose not to charge him. But that was a homer article.
                  "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


                    LeBatard was arguing that it's unfair for the media to scrutinize college players and that until they sign a pro contract and are getting paid they shouldn't be in the news unless they get penalized by their team or charged by law enforcement. I think that is flawed (and hypocritical) for more reasons than I can even begin to address. The bottom line is Winston is a moron and FSU is an embarrassment.
                    "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


                      Originally posted by McCarthy12 View Post
                      But that was a homer article.
                      Agreed there and I said that in my original post.

