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This Navy Seal Coming out about killing UBL

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    This Navy Seal Coming out about killing UBL

    I applaud his service and killing the guy. But I just sort of wonder, should there be criticism of the Wash Post and Fox News for aiding and abetting him breaking the SEAL code? I guess it's really not a big issue, but I wonder what some sectors of the media would say if he had given the interview to the WashPost and NBC instead of Fox. Probably a huge outcry about how they were totally unpatriotic for helping this guy break the code, that real Americans wouldn't take advantage, bla bla bla.

    I don't know, just wondering if any of our right leaning brethren have heard that criticism from their media outlets of choice. Or are they criticizing the Wash Post but not Fox news?


    I thought "the code" had already been broken

    By previous movies, books, etc.
    "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


      Yeah, good question

      Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
      By previous movies, books, etc.
      But those didn't have this guy's name who actually shot UBL, did they? I just don't remember. Maybe it doesn't matter. I just wondered if it had been MSNBC with this story whether the outrage machine would be spinning its wheels.


        Good question Dimmy, I don't know the answer, but I think it is a small item in the big picture.

        IOW, I think ALL media has gotten to a point of lunacy, want to build a dirty bomb? It's on line.

        Want to find out where and when certain political figures are going to be? It's on line.

        Sensitive government documents, troop locations, military withdrawal plans or strategies? Somewhere it is being reported on.

        How to make severely damaging drugs, yep, on line.

        I am NOT placing blame on one side or the other, politically speaking, I think it is just the collateral damage that occurs when you have society in general exposed to such an information highway.

        So, I will ask you, is it a Conservative/Liberal issue? Or just the times we live in?

        I think the latter, JMHO


          Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
          But those didn't have this guy's name who actually shot UBL, did they? I just don't remember. Maybe it doesn't matter. I just wondered if it had been MSNBC with this story whether the outrage machine would be spinning its wheels.
          Since the outage machine was powered by other seals and the Military I say no it doesn't matter who ran with the story.


            Meanwhile, Sharyl Attkisson quits CBS, accusing them of spiking stories that are critical of the Obama Admin ... calls the Obama Admin the worst in recent times for freedom of the press ... and says that journalism has taken a step back and that Watergate wouldn't have been reported today.

            Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


              probably so

              Originally posted by Dolomite View Post
              Since the outage machine was powered by other seals and the Military I say no it doesn't matter who ran with the story.
              But it isn't the original outrage, as ER points out, it's who fans the flames.



                Originally posted by slag View Post
                Meanwhile, Sharyl Attkisson quits CBS, accusing them of spiking stories that are critical of the Obama Admin ... calls the Obama Admin the worst in recent times for freedom of the press ... and says that journalism has taken a step back and that Watergate wouldn't have been reported today.

                Consider that all newspapers have totally trimmed their staffs so Watergate wouldn't happen because you wouldn't have a ton of city beat reporters sitting around waiting to do investigations.

                As far as electronic media. That's like a free fire zone. The networks will be so irrelevant in another five years... People will get content directly from the world wide interweb. CBS, NBC, Comcast, Time Warner. There's a reason they're all scrambling to buy content, because they see the writing on the wall.


                  Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
                  But it isn't the original outrage, as ER points out, it's who fans the flames.
                  Well we disagree the first and loudest critics have been former and current members of the military. I'm not criticising him but I do watch the news and everyone I see who is attacking him is a current or former member of the military. If you want to believe this is only a story because of the media outlet that ran with the story thats ok but that's not reality.

                  Those who brag about killing bin Laden erode the support the SEALs will need for their next mission


                    Originally posted by slag View Post
                    Meanwhile, Sharyl Attkisson quits CBS, accusing them of spiking stories that are critical of the Obama Admin ... calls the Obama Admin the worst in recent times for freedom of the press ... and says that journalism has taken a step back and that Watergate wouldn't have been reported today.


                    I guess it just depends on your view of how much "journalism" is too much? Things that just 50 years ago the media would never report on are now common knowledge.

                    In today's timeline the is no way the world doesn't know that FDR is in a wheelchair, or that Grover Cleveland had a cancerous tumor, how many stories about JFK's affairs went unreported at the time?

                    What should be known, what should be suppressed? and who gets to make that call?


                      Are we discussing this Sharyl Attkisson?

                      Granted, I'm not a member of Anonymous nor have I never shared a surveillance truck with Robert Redford, but I'm fairly certain that's not how an sophisticated hacker would go about deleting a file.
                      Originally posted by 3rd & Inches
                      Don't type mad.




                          I'm in no place to judge the guy, but I was certainly surprised he did it. I always thought the "code" trumped all. I understand his outrage regarding health insurance, etc. He has every right to be outraged. But breaking the code kind of hurts his military brethren.

                          I don't blame the media. They can't help themselves. It's like the frog and the scorpion.
                          Last edited by McCarthy12; 11-12-2014, 01:02 PM.
                          "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


                            I don't buy his insurance outrage. The rules for military retirement and health benefits are set in stone and every sailor/soldier/marine who has been in for more than one enlistment knows that you do 20 years to get your health insurance and pension. If you get out before 20 that's on you, and he knows that. SEALs aren't dummies.


                              I don't think she's hot

                              Originally posted by stealth_rhino View Post
                              Are we discussing this Sharyl Attkisson?

                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              Granted, I'm not a member of Anonymous nor have I never shared a surveillance truck with Robert Redford, but I'm fairly certain that's not how an sophisticated hacker would go about deleting a file.
                              Therefore I discount anything she says. The same goes for every woman on the Supreme Court.

                              Sorry, but that's the truth, Ruth.


