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  • #16
    No, that's not the way it works, Jerky.

    As if you gave any of that "support" you sneer at when they were worthy in your mind.
    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


    • #17
      You're th gift that keeps on giving

      Originally posted by Overbrook View Post
      So just what is it that makes you such an egomaniacal, miserable prick? Is it because you were never held as a child perhaps? I dunno, but in truth you are a very sad human being. To coin the phrase, "it must suck to be you."

      It's been over 15 years now, and you're still the same one trick pony. If the Iggles have any modicum of success you have nothing to say; but if they have even the slightest adversity, then you're all over it. Here you come out of the weeds spouting your self righteous nonsense of everything that's wrong with the Eagles team/organization and every "fool" here on this message board who does not agree.

      I just do not understand a person whose only enjoyment in life seems to be trying to make people who are already down feel even worse. You're like that Star Trek episode with the life form that thrived on humans bitter emotions and grew stronger as the arguments turned more bitter. If so, I guess it's time you started fading away. After 15 years you're naught but a joke around here. A sad, miserable dipshit; but more than anything else, a joke.
      Originally Posted by Irish George View Post
      great avatar
      For assholes. Celebrate an injured athlete. So typical of the pond scum of igglephans.

      Most fans around the world want to defeat their opponent while they're fully healthy and on the top of their game because your team is simply better than the other team. Not igglephans. Causing injury is all the glory they care about. Well, sadly, it's also all they have.

      Like I said, you are one sad dipshit.
      "It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."


      • #18
        Pretty thick for a smart guy

        Originally posted by The Ref View Post
        Yet that is exactly what you guys do to Anthony, Maniac, and myself. Read below. It's groupthink around here. Anyone outside the vitriol of this groupthink must be a damaged human being.

        Imagine celebrating athletes getting injured! Just pathetic. What's one of the most storied games in Eagles history to its fan base? The Body Bag game.

        What's the most popular kind of jpeg posted? Opposing players lying injured in a game against the Eagles. Such a sad reflection on a group of people.

        And the irony (not lost) is that Philly is one of few remaining old teams that have never won a Super Bowl. Think there might be some karmic reason for that? You don't deserve it.
        You suggested that folks on the board actually want people to get hurt. For a smart internet savvy guy like you it is surprising that you don't see that people are just venting. But it appears that for you venting is all you've got.

        And frankly, the most popular jpeg from my pov is Asian lesbos. So you've got that wrong too.

        No offense intended, you just take shit too seriously. Lighten up, will ya?



        • #19
          Yeah Chippah is a real emasculator

          Originally posted by The Ref View Post
          Belichick allows men to be men. Plus he has Brady, which means everything to his continued success. Belichick doesn't shy away from arrogant malcontents. Never has. He knows talent comes wrapped in all sorts of personalities.
          And he chases guys like Sconces out of town. Errrr, well... even if that doesn't fit your narrative, I still agree with you.

          Dimbus Onboardus with Refuse


          • #20

            Originally posted by The Ref View Post
            A person would have to be three shades of dumb to support an organization that loses year after year. Normal people stop paying money to teams that suck. That's the way it works. Do you see the sixers filling Wells Fargo? Of course not.

            The only power a fan has is withholding support. That in turn causes change within the organization to attract the fans again. Lost on igglephans. You give Lurie little motivation to change anything so little does.
            you are the same guy who ripped Eagles fans when the TV blackout was threatened because they were too smart to buy obstructed view tickets at the Vet. Now you rip them for showing up. Make up your mind.

            EDITED TO ADD: and yes, they were a bad team then, too.
            Last edited by Irish George; 12-22-2014, 12:05 AM.
            Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
            May 7, 2010


            • #21
              the avatar was Chief Jay Strongbow

              Originally posted by Overbrook View Post
              Originally Posted by Irish George View Post
              great avatar
              For assholes. Celebrate an injured athlete. So typical of the pond scum of igglephans.

              Most fans around the world want to defeat their opponent while they're fully healthy and on the top of their game because your team is simply better than the other team. Not igglephans. Causing injury is all the glory they care about. Well, sadly, it's also all they have.

              Like I said, you are one sad dipshit.
              He didn't even get that right.
              Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
              May 7, 2010


              • #22
                Originally posted by The Ref View Post
                Never been picked on. Can't shake the Eagles fandom
                ive been coming here quite a while and ive never even once considered the ridiculous notion that you and i support the same football team. you may think that youre an eagles fan but i would bet very few people who support the eagles would believe you.

                and i could frankly give a shit what your stance is on chip kelly. its irrelevant in my eyes. you can hide behind the notion that you are a part of a vocal minority who are displeased with the direction of the organization but there is one hugely distinct difference between anthony, maniac and the disgusting fucknut that you are: those guys have never taken joy in talking shit on philadelphians and their perceived poor behavior like you do. it is that very aspect of your supposed allegiance that makes your whole routine of perpetrating yourself as an eagles fan 100 percent fraudulent.

                for once and for all hit the bricks clown.
                "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


                • #23
                  Originally posted by J_Cuz31 View Post
                  ive been coming here quite a while and ive never even once considered the ridiculous notion that you and i support the same football team. you may think that youre an eagles fan but i would bet very few people who support the eagles would believe you.

                  and i could frankly give a shit what your stance is on chip kelly. its irrelevant in my eyes. you can hide behind the notion that you are a part of a vocal minority who are displeased with the direction of the organization but there is one hugely distinct difference between anthony, maniac and the disgusting fucknut that you are: those guys have never taken joy in talking shit on philadelphians and their perceived poor behavior like you do. it is that very aspect of your supposed allegiance that makes your whole routine of perpetrating yourself as an eagles fan 100 percent fraudulent.

                  for once and for all hit the bricks clown.
                  I sat at Franklin Field, dipshit. Will bleed green for the rest of my life.

                  There are plenty of great Eagles fans around the country. Really good people. This particular group of lowlifes aren't among them. Repulsive, homophobic, misogynistic, violent, assholes. When fans around the country roll their eyes at boorish Eagles fans, it is you people they're thinking of. Yes, I said you people.


                  • #24
                    Lol. This place is great today


                    • #25
                      La Ref booed Santa! He's a lowlife scumbag!

                      I knew it
                      "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                      • #26
                        Spot on

                        Originally posted by J_Cuz31 View Post
                        routine of perpetrating yourself as an eagles fan 100 percent fraudulent
                        He wants the organ-eye-zation to fail so he can drop a ITYS. He has already stated that we should only support the team when they are winning. This guy is a clown.
                        500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.


                        • #27
                          Pass the 4 LOCO ... where's my two-can hardhat, dammit!!!
                          Last edited by slag; 12-22-2014, 01:02 PM. Reason: Don't want to overdo the satire
                          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                          • #28
                            Let me try to explain

                            Originally posted by The Ref View Post
                            I sat at Franklin Field, dipshit. Will bleed green for the rest of my life.

                            There are plenty of great Eagles fans around the country. Really good people. This particular group of lowlifes aren't among them. Repulsive, homophobic, misogynistic, violent, assholes. When fans around the country roll their eyes at boorish Eagles fans, it is you people they're thinking of. Yes, I said you people.
                            If you think this Board is representative of the way people behave in real life you are making a huge mistake. We all take license under our anonymous cover to vent anger, to make goofy arguments, to stir shit. You might have noticed that pattern on the internet?

                            For you to make judgments based off an internet bulletin board reveals a startling innocence which I don't think you possess.

                            The other option is that you are looking for an opportunity to take offense.

                            Another option is that you are part of the game and just goofing with us which would be better than the PSU effort by one of our brethren (and certainly better than my Khrushchev one!).

                            A final option is that you're just pissed at me personally because I wiped the floor with you when we picked all time fantasy football teams. Bwahahaha!

                            In any case, I am still waiting to hear who your coach alternatives are.



                            • #29
                              He picked all the batteries up from a different incident and put them in his prius so the world could see that not all eagles fans are like that


                              • #30
                                Another option is he's just an asshole.
                                Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.

