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Chip Is Now Completely In Charge of Personnel

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    Chip Is Now Completely In Charge of Personnel

    @Eagles: Coach Kelly will oversee player personnel department and lead efforts to hire a new personnel executive, a process that begins immediately.
    @Eagles: Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Lurie announces new structural change for the #Eagles: Howie Roseman elevated to Executive VP of Football Ops.

    @RoobCSN: Wow. Strong resolution for Chip Kelly. A promotion that's really a demotion for Howie.
    Chip beat out the Messiah?


      He had to have given Lurie an ultimatum.


        Looks that way. Big balls chip.
        Cowboys last SB win is old enough to drink beer


          wow, I guess Lurie realized it would be impossible to keep Kelly or even get a decent coach in here after he left if Roseman were still in charge there.


            A very bad outcome...unless you think it was Howie who bought in Sanchez, Barkley and wanted Jackson out and a cooper to stay. Lurie got it half right if Howie is no longer involved.



              The guy who cut Jackson, won't allow Boykin to compete for a starting job, and whose favorite receiver is a white, long haired hick from the south with racist leanings is now going to be in charge of the personnel.

              Expect half the draft to be Oregon guys and the other half Pac 12 players who had one good game against him.

              Also expect him to trade for the bust Dion Jordan. He'll pair nicely with Marcus Smith II. Peas in a Pod.


                I hope Harry coaches the team longer than don Shula coached the Dolphins. Long live Harry
                I'm not the hill you want to die on


                  How could that be?

                  Originally posted by Sect 236 View Post
                  All the chicken Littles said he was gone
                  "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                    Shit, I was one of them my friend. Never expected Lurie to make the right football move, his track record of doing so isn't very good.


                      Makes you think about last years's draft a little bit....


                        If chip was responsible for 2014 draft then this may not be such a great idea.

                        But maybe it was a collective epic fail across the board and Gamble brought some bad ideas to the discussion?


                          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                            For sure this is a me or him

                            ultimatum. Don't fuck up this draft Chip


                              I don't think this was about the draft. Something else going on, possibly the turmoil in the scouting dept. One thing for sure, Chip did not like the current set up. Question is did he know Gamble was going to be fired or was that a surprise and he delivered an impassioned argument why having Roseman in charge would not work (possibly including an ultimatum). This leads to the question as to what Gamble did that got him axed.

                              Bad drafts happen as it isn't an exact science. There was reportedly turmoil in the scouting department. Was Gamble feeding that turmoil? Did Lurie tell Chip he can be in charge of personnel but Gamble had to go because of his role in the turmoil and "insubordination" of Roseman?

                              Roseman gave up power, and no one dos that willingly at those levels. So, did he not handle the turmoil issue well leading Lurie to make the change? This scenario happens in my company once. The new guy was fired and the veteran was moved to another area. Typical way of handling it in the business world.
                              ".........there is no experience in the NFL like walking out of the tunnel at the Vet and listening to the fans get on you for three solid hours. Those people invent new ways to abuse you every year." Bill Parcels on the Eagle's fans

