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Official ESPN Position

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    Official ESPN Position

    Per Mortenson is that Howie got demoted because Chip didn't want to work with him on a football level.

    Whether Didinger is right or wrong, the Glorious Hero of the 2012 Draft can't be happy that the national media is portraying him as a bean counter who has been made to get out of the way of the football guys.

    I still can't exactly figure out how Lurie got religion about football guys buying the groceries only after Gamble was fired.

    What did Gamble do?
    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


      There's been multiple reports that all Howie ever wanted was to be respected by football guys as a talent evaluator. This has got to REALLY sting to have your dream come crashing down in the national spotlight.

      Howie reminds me of the posters who come on here, and copy and paste a bunch of draft and free agency profiles. They don't really know anything but they want everyone to think they know everything.


        even though its the fox news of sports

        Wow....lets hope chipper brings in a real football guy and not someone who complains the spoon for the caviar is not made of bone.


          Hopefully he will leave. But, I highly doubt anyone would hire him as GM with the recent draft history and drama here.


            This is what I would like to know - what did Gamble do?

            I have a hard time buying that Chip didn't know Gamble was getting axed. Gamble was walked out, indicating that someone wanted to be sure that he did not carry files with him. Was he looking for a GM position with another team? Eagles have reacted strongly to this in the past.

            Or, was getting rid of Gamble part of a deal to pacify Roseman while giving Chip more control? It just feels that Gamble was torpedoing Roseman behind the scenes.

            Possibly the events occurred in the order they were reported. If so, it causes one to question Luries's management ability. How he could not have seen tha Chip would be pissed about firing Gamble doesn't seem real to me.

            I wonder if Gamble was dumb enough to make a play for a GM position with Chip's backing? Did it backfire and to settle it the best he could, Lurie axed Gamble to satisfy Roseman and gave personnel to Chip to satisfy him.

            No matter how you cut it, as a matter of record, the fate of the Eagles is in Chip's hand. And, he has to work with Roseman on financials. Concerns me. It also appears that Lurie was not happy with how player personnel outside of coaching was being run.
            ".........there is no experience in the NFL like walking out of the tunnel at the Vet and listening to the fans get on you for three solid hours. Those people invent new ways to abuse you every year." Bill Parcels on the Eagle's fans

