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  • #31
    I agree with you, I know people on both sides that really love it and hate it.

    All I can speak on is the last 3 years that I have been writing group plans for my clients here in SA and that the rates have actually flat-lined, in some cases I have seem tremendous savings. Which is surprising since San Antonio is the 2nd unhealthiest/fattest city in 'Merica, #1 is Houston.

    Like mentioned later in the thread there are pros/cons to ACA, but the biggest bright spot is talking to my clients employees and having them tell me that their family member can finally go see a doctor and get healthy.. with that comes better quality of life, more people working, which will help our economy.

    That's why I don't think the law did enough.. There are still people out there that cannot afford the coverage even with those subsidies that the right get so worked up about, even though we subsidize farmers/oil/textiles etc.. I don't know, single payer may be the way to go, that way profit margins are not being taken into consideration when it comes to America's health care


    • #32
      I think a single payer system in a country this size would be almost impossible to implement effectively. The bureaucracy would be out of control. It's just too big. I have a good friend who works for the State Dept and is currently stationed in Canada. He says it is a mess. They bring their kids back here any time they need more than a routine checkup.

      Dimmy is right. There is no free market. That would be you shopping between doctors for care and them paying them. Someone else is making the decisions - either insurance companies or the government. Pick your poison.
      "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


      • #33
        Ugh terrible choices, vampires vs leaches


        • #34
          I'm thinking that's going to become a staple of the Igglephans tailgaytes from now on. Too bad it fucks up the oil so much.


          • #35
            Keep 'em in the freezer

            Originally posted by TROGDOR View Post
            I'm thinking that's going to become a staple of the Igglephans tailgaytes from now on. Too bad it fucks up the oil so much.
            Before you drop them in the fryer.


            • #36
              It's the batter that screws up the oil. Basically turns it into funnel cake oil.

