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League informs Cowgirls the refs missed 7 calls

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    League informs Cowgirls the refs missed 7 calls

    According to yahoo sports. This is an absolute crock of steaming shit. More than one person needs to be fired. 7? Some full games don't even have that many flags. These zebras need to be held accountable.
    "But again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look in the mirror."

    Originally posted by ReidsArmy View Post
    According to yahoo sports. This is an absolute crock of steaming shit. More than one person needs to be fired. 7? Some full games don't even have that many flags. These zebras need to be held accountable.
    This story reports 7 missed calls that would have benefited the Turds, and only the two that would have benefited the Lions?


      You're right, I misread that headline. But my point still stands. They should still be held accountable regardless of who the missed penalties were against. 7 is a big number plus the missed ones one the turds, to call yourself a pro ref in the nfl.
      "But again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look in the mirror."


        As bad as the NFL may be at times they're still 100 x better than FIFA. FIFA officiating is as laughable as the WWF. Is it legal to hit him with the chair...I guess so.
        Last edited by Dolomite; 01-09-2015, 12:14 AM.


          I think fans who complain about officiating should take some classes and try it at the high school level for a while. See what you think after doing it.


            Officiating at amy level, in any sport is no easy task.

            I have umpired softball, baseball, and refereed Soccer and Rugby.
            Never did football, Thank God!
            Worst job was softball game scheduled ump didn't show up, my team manager knew I was certified, and asked me to ump the game, I agreed, but only if he would pay me up front, he agreed, but later in the game when a dispute arose and I threw him out of the game. I never played for that team again.
            "Never Look Back, Something May Be Gaining On You."


              Originally posted by The Ref View Post
              I think fans who complain about officiating should take some classes and try it at the high school level for a while. See what you think after doing it.
              the fans who complain about coaching should try to coach at the high school level for a while. see what you think after doing it.

              then again, coaches don't matter.


                Originally posted by art vandelay View Post
                the fans who complain about coaching should try to coach at the high school level for a while. see what you think after doing it.
                Spectacularly impolite.


                  Originally posted by art vandelay View Post
                  the fans who complain about coaching should try to coach at the high school level for a while. see what you think after doing it.

                  then again, coaches don't matter.


                    Never officiated football, but have umped baseball and softball while I was in the Air Force. Even though it is difficult, it SHOULDN'T be difficult to spot an OL putting a DL in a headlock, especially when you're looking right at it, or spotting an obvious grab and pull of the jersey when you're following the players down the field.


                      these guys made $173,000 in 2013. For a part time job.


                        try making a movie

                        Originally posted by The Ref View Post
                        I think fans who complain about officiating should take some classes and try it at the high school level for a while. See what you think after doing it.
                        before you criticize the cinematography



                          seven missed calls that BENEFITED the Lions. Officiating ain't easy, just don't think they should do the all star crews. Pick a crew that has worked together the whole year and rank them as a whole, don't pick and choose.


                            Originally posted by JuTMSY4 View Post
                            before you criticize the cinematography
                            Try going to a Kenny Chesney concert before criticiting drunken attendee interactions with security.
                            Your Retarded


                              Complete misdirection. The real question is, why was a specific critical call which was deemed appropriate by experts, commentators and fans, reversed with no explanation?

                              There are many secondary questions, but until this question is answered, all other responses are avoiding the main issue--suspected outcome control by rogue officials or possibly even the league.
                              - DEERSPINE GUY

                              The classic Philly sports fan mindset. It's not right or wrong - it is what it is. Both a shame and a mantle of pride. Love and hate in constant turmoil.
                              - Susquehanna Birder

