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Even fuggin Joe Buck

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    Even fuggin Joe Buck

    Admits they're giving Witten "a lot of forward progress. This shit is getting harder and harder to watch.
    "You on the other hand, describe your shit so many times and revel in how glorious or strange it looks that there is absolutely no doubt you most definitely DO have a shit fetish." - Kelly Green

    Jim Lahey is a drunk bastard.

    At least they moved it back, can't make it TOO obvious


      He was clearly a yard short of the marker and the damn ref was standing right there. If I can see it in real-time on TV how can this ass-clown miss it when he's standing at the marker? I was screaming my ass off when I saw that bogus spot.


        Originally posted by EaglePride View Post
        At least they moved it back, can't make it TOO obvious
        They only moved it back because the Pack called a TO to make sure they got it right.


          No they didn't? What are you talking about?
          I'm not the hill you want to die on


            Dallas called the time out


              Not to mention....

              Originally posted by 91EaglesD View Post
              No they didn't? What are you talking about?
              The side judge who called the pi was the putz that gave them that horrible spot.
              "It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."

