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The Eagles just got way worse

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    The Eagles just got way worse

    And gave up draft picks to do it. Shoulder injury and back to back season ending ACL injuries on a QB who has never proven shit. LOL.

    Originally posted by D Leff View Post
    And gave up draft picks to do it. Shoulder injury and back to back season ending ACL injuries on a QB who has never proven shit. LOL.
    As opposed to (2012) broken hand, (2013) multi-game concussion and (2014) broken collarbone?
    "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


      Trevon Boykin here we come!

      stop your cying were awsome,,,,,,,

      Bwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! have you ever seen a bigger collection of blind mice in one spot in your life????


        Originally posted by Melchior View Post
        As opposed to (2012) broken hand, (2013) multi-game concussion and (2014) broken collarbone?
        So they traded injured inexpensive shit for slightly older injured expensive shit (And payed picks for it!)? I'M SOLD, THANKS!
        Last edited by D Leff; 03-10-2015, 07:32 PM.


          I almost rather they take a chance on him. He'll hit Maclin all day long. Oh wait....
          -Slizz of Wangnutz


            Days of the wildcat offense, wide nine defense, and a fat man should make everybody bulletproof. Today was nothing. No games were won or lost today.
            500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.

