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Anyone ever own a Doberman Pinscher?

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    There's a lot of.....

    ...criminals running around out in the "country." This animal is going to spend its time barking at deer in the middle of the night and waking you up. Sounds like a real stress reliever.


      Originally posted by Two Gap Penetrator View Post
      ...criminals running around out in the "country." This animal is going to spend its time barking at deer in the middle of the night and waking you up. Sounds like a real stress reliever.

      Your right, better off with the gun. LOL



        Originally posted by Drama Queen View Post
        English Pointer?

        Oh, wrong thread.
        .....almost spit soda on the screen. Well played.

        (Golf Clap......doh!!)
        "I feel much better now that my pants are on."- overheard conversation at a Gayte


          Originally posted by royal View Post
          Thinking of getting a guard dog for the family. Live out in the country, so plenty of room for the dog. Heard Dobies are excellent, but not sure how they are around a family.
          My advice is to find a dog over 60 pounds that has a personality you really like. The fact that you have a barking big dog will run off 95% of anyone who would try to fuck with your house.

          Getting a dog just because the breed is supposed to "be a good guard dog" may leave with you a dog that's great at guarding your house and also great at annoying the shit out of you and disrupting your household.

          You have to be really serious about the training if you're going to have a trained guard dog. If you half-ass it and don't keep up and stay consistent, you can end up with a really troublesome dog.

          We have Great Danes and love them. I'd imagine that if somebody enters a house with a ferocious sounding dog, they're most likely planning to kill the dog.
          "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


            The problem I have with guard dogs is that while they may be fine with the immediate family, their overprotective nature can cause problems if you interact with other people. Sure, it's great to keep out the bad guys, but when Fido thinks little Billy next door is a threat when he wanders into your yard, you've got some serious shit to deal with.


              You don't need an actual "guard dog" to protect your house, unless you're running a meth lab or something along those lines. Like Melchoir said, a bigger, well trained dog that fits what you're looking for.


                I totally agree. Hell, a small or middle sized dog is often enough of a deterrent.


                  I'm more afraid of our Terrier then my German Shepherd.


                    Originally posted by D Leff View Post
                    I'm more afraid of our Terrier then my German Shepherd.
                    terrier were bred to be tough as nails!


                      Originally posted by Susquehanna Birder View Post
                      I totally agree. Hell, a small or middle sized dog is often enough of a deterrent.
                      For sure. But some people like big dogs. The best thing to do is Google "what type of dog should I get". There are tons of great tools that can help you select a breed that fits your lifestyle and wants. It's a big decision, and it's worth it to take the time to do the research. A dog that doesn't match what you are, ie if you are lazy, and get a dog that needs a lot of exercise, well that'll make you both unhappy.


                        Ankle bitters are just too hyper for me, then you have those little dogs that are always shaking like they are freezing to death, what's with that?


                          Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
                          Ankle bitters are just too hyper for me, then you have those little dogs that are always shaking like they are freezing to death, what's with that?
                          Yeah, those sneezy little yappy things do nothing for me.

