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    A true coward. Displays cockroach tendencies.
    I'm not the hill you want to die on

    Fuck off

    Angry little man....
    must have just watched Cheyney's greatest hits... Neihmiah Ingram, Gary Gimmelstob, Will Cunningham and Chris Webber.... or is it roid rage?
    Last edited by T.D-Bag; 09-27-2015, 11:37 AM.


      Originally posted by T.D-Bag View Post
      Angry little man....
      must have just watched Cheyney's greatest hits... Neihmiah Ingram, Gary Gimmelstob, Will Cunningham and Chris Webber.... or is it roid rage?
      Go disappear for another 6 months. You couldn't even eat crow like a man after your nova cunts lost. True coward. You're the equivalent of a cockroach.
      I'm not the hill you want to die on


        Do a little research I posted after the loss, unlike you I don't jerk off to this bored.
        Who haven't you insulted? just prolific posters here so you can stay part of the A team. You couldn't handle being a fan of a team that 80% of this bored roots against, you are too weak. that's cockroach... being a follower.


          You posted once and hid for 6 months like a true coward cockroach
          I'm not the hill you want to die on


            I don't post during the summer, too busy. Maybe you ought to get a life or at least laid to curb your anger management. Although it is nice to see you can't stop thinking about me. Enjoy the game today and TU winning against a team for the 1st time 70+ years.


              You lost to penn. go hide for another six months cockroach. And don't give me your busy excuses. You aren't that important
              I'm not the hill you want to die on

