This may be just media feeding-frenzy stuff, and Kempski does acknowledge that some of this might be sour grapes, but if any of this is true, it makes me very nervous about the rest of the season, and really uncertain about the future of this team.
Billick makes one point that is inarguable: Kelly is trying to do the job of three men. Usually the GM manages personnel, the OC calls the plays, and the head coach guides the overall team. Kelly assumed all three roles despite having very little NFL experience. There was bound to be a learning curve. I just hope this team doesn't implode before he can get things figured out.
Billick makes one point that is inarguable: Kelly is trying to do the job of three men. Usually the GM manages personnel, the OC calls the plays, and the head coach guides the overall team. Kelly assumed all three roles despite having very little NFL experience. There was bound to be a learning curve. I just hope this team doesn't implode before he can get things figured out.