Ever since my workplace cut all social media access from our work PCs, their WiFi is shit and with shiftwork, I just couldnt get on. Plus my 37 day vacation to the States ended in needless tragedy when one of my best lady friends died of a heart attack brought on by her addiction to huffing (solvent abuse) that I knew nithing about in all the years I knew her and Skyped with her. Plus I felt I was a bad luck charm where the Birds were concerned--went to BOTH Atlanta and Landover (where I met up with Zubaz) and they lost. Then on Thanksgiving went to a casino here in London and watched them get blown out. I dont think Kelly is going anywhere but its time for a new DC. Davis is too stubborn and wont adapt his in game planning until its too late--the same reason they got torched last year in December and missed the playoffs.
No announcement yet.
Haven't been on in a while