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The new Star Wars--

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    Originally posted by bobbyuk View Post
    TERRIFIC!!! Went to a midnight showing.
    Headed to the first DC show tonight at 7 p.m., at a big, single screen movie theater. Glad to hear it's great, can't wait!


      "Walt" Bwaha!

      The sh*t is ridiculous. They dissolve some dead guy in a bathtub and then the acid goes through the tub and the second floor and then there's this slop everywhere and he has to clean it up.


        Originally posted by BigSlizz View Post
        Awesome! Seeing on Christmas Eve with my wife's family.

        I'm thinking of trying to run through all 6 this weekend in preparation.
        All 6? Why? The prequels were horrible.
        "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


          Originally posted by Overbrook View Post

          Side note: the Star Trek franchise is light years superior.
          Hey Overbrook...

          If it helps, the new Star Wars movie is done by the same guy that did the reboots of Star Trek, which I thought were really well done.


            I can't say that there aren't a few......

            ....songs that I like. Not many though.


              Will you be going in costume?


                Haha did you take that pic outside the Davidson Ave Convention center?

                "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                  bwah I wish


                    Yes we finally agree on something musically

                    The "boss" is turrible. I don't think there's a single song of his I can stomach
                    Last edited by Riccardo; 12-17-2015, 12:53 PM.
                    "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                      One of my favorite scenes is when he'd clearly gone from being a victim of chance to being the one calling the shots:

                      I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!


                        He ran out of prose somewhere in the middle of Darkness on the Edge of Town. Pretty much everything after that was just pop drivel.


                          Never got it...

                          Originally posted by Overbrook View Post
                          IMO, these movies aren't crap, but they sure not very good either.

                          I saw the first and it was OK; formulaic space film garbage. Went to the second one and it was so damn boring I fell asleep in the theater. I've never seen any of the rest, even when they came to TV.

                          They're like Michael Jordan, or the latest boy band. If it's hyped enough, plenty of people will think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. They're not.

                          Side note: the Star Trek franchise is light years superior.
                          Never will.

                          But apart from 2001 and Close Encounters, sci-fi just isn't my thing.


                            Yea never like the guys music

                            he's a Jersey guy and I'm happy for him,,somebody made it out of here.. Anchovie too,,,

                            here's the only thing I can get through,,after listening to this try to listen to Bruces version,,,Yuckkkk!

                            OFFICIAL BOARD DRUG CZAR


                              he had his day

                              Born in the USA Made the guy a ton of money....that was his swansong,,now he's old,,like Billy Joel, just tour here and there and all the free steak you can eat in the tri state area`
                              OFFICIAL BOARD DRUG CZAR


                                Originally posted by Two Gap Penetrator View Post
                                And I probably won't go back to the first one and start watching because it's so dead tech compared to the CGI stuff that's out now. It actually always looked stupid to me. That shiny gold guy walking around, some trashcan robot, a big gorilla looking dude. That Lay-A-Princess or Princess-Lay-A always looked hot, but in a sort of nerd hot way.
                                This will catch you up.

                                Last edited by TerpEagle; 12-17-2015, 03:46 PM.
                                Your Retarded

