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    it probably would have been worse if it lingered

    Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
    Way to go, the ending still sucks.

    Fans didn't support Kelly because they were Chip Kelly fans (other than that Drake troll). They supported him because they were Eagles fans who thought he'd lead them to a championship.

    I certainly don't see this development as some sort of "loss" because Kelly got fired.

    The season was the loss. The fact that they're rebuilding again is the loss.
    you couldn't go another off-season with this guy. The ending might have been bad but at least Lurie had the balls to pull the plug. Could have been MUCH uglier.
    Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
    May 7, 2010


      Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
      Kelly did good, and Kelly did bad. It was time to make the move, but the majority of us aren't celebrating the dysfunction.
      Kelly was shit and any intelligent Eagle fan is celebrating his firing. Now drink your smoothie and get to bed.
      Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


        Originally posted by Maniac View Post
        And that's all on Chip Kelly.

        Rebuilding is going to be a bitch with this talent and contract mess.
        I'm not disputing that. And I'm not reveling in being right about it either.

        Had Kelly won a championship coaching the Eagles, my joy would have been for the Eagles winning not Chip Kelly winning.

        People like you made it about Kelly rather than the Eagles.
        Your Retarded


          Originally posted by Irish George View Post
          you couldn't go another off-season with this guy. The ending might have been bad but at least Lurie had the balls to pull the plug. Could have been MUCH uglier.
          Abso-fkking-lutely. Not another death march.
          Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


            Careful not to get nut on yourself

            Originally posted by Maniac View Post
            Kelly was shit and any intelligent Eagle fan is celebrating his firing. Now drink your smoothie and get to bed.
            I'm sure you've rubbed out a few already
            The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


              Originally posted by Irish George View Post
              you couldn't go another off-season with this guy. The ending might have been bad but at least Lurie had the balls to pull the plug. Could have been MUCH uglier.
              I thought Kelly could win because I was under the impression that he wasn't rigid in his thinking. That he did things differently because they proved to be more effective and if they weren't he'd make an adjustment.

              I didn't see an adjustment this season so I don't think it's a bad move by Lurie to release him. Maybe Kelly would have evolved, but this move suggests that he was much more rigid than he let on.
              Your Retarded


                Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post

                People like you made it about Kelly rather than the Eagles.
                Because Kelly was the problem. I'm happy as hell we won't have another year of his blunders.
                Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


                  Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                    Originally posted by Maniac View Post
                    Because Kelly was the problem. I'm happy as hell we won't have another year of his blunders.
                    You were anti-Kelly when he was winning 10 games a year. You're right because the Eagles shit the bed this year. How nice for you.
                    Your Retarded

