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Schefter Says: Eagles Seek Permission to Interview Tom Coughlin

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    Who knows

    Originally posted by McCarthy12 View Post
    I'm not sure he's all that great of a coach any more. He's in his 70's too. Seems like he's just bitter.
    Like the rest of you guys, except Ref, I just want to win. By any means necessary. The fact that the racists get to host a playoff game tomorrow pisses me off a whole lot.
    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


      You're practically alone

      Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
      But I wouldn't be mad at the hire. He's a good football coach, who his players always play hard for, who is able to have a "my way or the highway" mentality, while still being able to know when to back off and let his players be themselves. I don't think they'll hire him, but I wouldn't be upset it they did.
      as a couple of posters have written, not a single one of us really knows what any coaching candidate is bringing to the table. However, we all have our allegedly informed opinions.

      Coughlin checks off a bunch of boxes, and with the right supporting cast, could be a solid choice.

      You could say the same thing about Duce's candidacy. As a poster on Birds 24/7 mentioned, when the Steelers interviewed Tomlin out of the chute, nobody ended up trumping his interview, and they ended up hiring him. He had only one year of DC experience under his belt. John Harbaugh was "only" a ST cooordinator and coached DBs one year.

      If Duce was given the opportunity to hire a great staff, he is just as viable a candidate for success as these other hot names flying around.
      Last edited by Pete; 01-09-2016, 01:34 PM.


        Bejezzis H Christ, I would just keep Shurmur over FMB, Fuck, cockroach RB, Gnats HC, might as well call RG3 and tell him he's the QB!!!!!!!!

        While I'm thinking about it bring Donnie in as the WR coach, he's got a lock on throwing those Dog chewy toys at receivers. I honestly can't remember when I felt this bad about this team, meanwhile in K.C. IF, somehow AR gets the Chefs to the SB, I'm going to drag 91ED over to the train yard.
        Last edited by Eagle Road; 01-09-2016, 01:49 PM.


          Probably to get some info on McAdoo


            Originally posted by AthensEagle View Post
            Don't care about all that. I don't want a Giants coach. Bad enough having a Cowboy RB.


              This would be a clear step upward



                eagles better hire doug pederson before he gets away


                  Doug fuckin pederson, are you fucking stupid? He has nothing to offer accept to be a yes man. First class loser, sort of like you!
                  On Trumps handicap

                  “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly wrote


                    Originally posted by CbEagle View Post
                    Doug fuckin pederson, are you fucking stupid? He has nothing to offer accept to be a yes man. First class loser, sort of like you!
                    who else is out there?


                      I want them to hire Coughlin. The guy can coach and has always gotten the most from his players. He won two Super Bowls with Eli for christs sake.


                        What's the big deal?

                        Originally posted by Squire View Post
                        ....holy crap. I can't even imagine Fire Marshall Tom coaching the Eagles.

                        Edit: Schefter.
                        Coughlin has been making it possible for the Eagles to win games for years (at least against the Giants) so why not hire him to supply more wins?


                          Fuck this

                          Originally posted by Squire View Post
                          ....holy crap. I can't even imagine Fire Marshall Tom coaching the Eagles.

                          Edit: Schefter.

                          Fuck you Jeff.
                          500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.


                            Originally posted by Mr. Triple Dip View Post
                            I want them to hire Coughlin. The guy can coach and has always gotten the most from his players. He won two Super Bowls with Eli for christs sake.
                            why did his miss the playoffs 4 seasons in a row if he is so great?


                              why did Belicheat fail in cleveland

                              Originally posted by smg View Post
                              why did his miss the playoffs 4 seasons in a row if he is so great?
                              I'm not a coughlin fan, but most super bowl winners don't ride off into the sunset.


                                Originally posted by JuTMSY4 View Post
                                I'm not a coughlin fan, but most super bowl winners don't ride off into the sunset.
                                And they certainly don't go to another team and win another super bowl.

                                I don't want Coughlin any where near this team.

