tedious getting there but once it was done,,what a relief. they didn't have to cut my tendon or do the Microsurgery,,This arm feels 1000 times better than my right did two days after,,thanks for all the prayers and support,,,now I have the hardest part coming,,,all the therapy,,,I should be back to playing the guitar maybe in a week or 2,,,till then I'm going nuts...Nights are tough,,wont see my bed for another week at least.
ohh and as for me not using ,,,,
forget it,,,like asking DSG to post in lower case, or trump not having his comb over,,,Or Groucho Marx to leave his cigar home,,,,not happening!
ohh and as for me not using ,,,,
forget it,,,like asking DSG to post in lower case, or trump not having his comb over,,,Or Groucho Marx to leave his cigar home,,,,not happening!
