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Listening to WIP's new show

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    Listening to WIP's new show

    Richie - pretty fuckin' good

    The other guy - meh
    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.

    DeCamera is not getting much in. Ritchie dominates the talk. DeCamera is good when he gets a chance. I liked him on his 6pm ESPN show but not sure how he will be with a heavy talking co-host.

    Ritchie sounds a lot like Ryan rusillo which is sort of annoying.

    I wish this new show was on 2-6 vs Missanelli and they left Ike Reese at 10 with whoever is coming on board with him (Marks?) . As things stand today the 2-6 slot is unlistenable on both stations for me.


      DeCamera's been on the radio for a while (on 97.5), but mostly 6-10 and I usually caught him on my drive home.

      He's alright. One of the more intelligent guys, who doesn't do the whole devil's advocate shtick or call people morons or anything. I don't recall him ever working with anyone regularly, although he did do a show with Jaws. Not sure if he's used to Ritchie let alone anyone. I was in the car yesterday and listened to them briefly - Hard to hear much with Ritchie and Seth Joyner on.

      Still, I think it's an improvement over Mike and Ike.
      Last edited by JuTMSY4; 10-25-2016, 11:51 AM.


        Richie has talked "inside" football material without sounding (to me) like he's trying to impress anyone and I learned some shit.

        I do like that, in a small sample, DeCamera has been respectful to callers, though.
        Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


          Its def not Marks
          WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


            I think this will be a solid listen. Not a lot of gimmicks and stupid shit for ratings. Content & both of their "takes" should do well vs rob Ellis and Mays.

            I think Eskin messed up not putting these 2 H2H vs Missanelli. I know I'd listen to DeCamera over Missanelli any day of the week. The hammer prepares for shows and is pretty good at it. Missanelli has producers call in pretending to be black dudes with girlfriend problems. Still cannot believe they let that POS skate on that. Yeah, he didn't know. My ass.
            Last edited by Ellsworth; 10-25-2016, 12:17 PM.


              Any idea who they're targeting? Unlike most people I kind of like ike during NFL season but he needs a solid co-host for sure.
              Last edited by Ellsworth; 10-25-2016, 12:19 PM.


                They wouldnt tell me. But said its def not Marks
                WANGNUTIAN. (pronounced wang-nooshan, martian)


                  Maybe it's that dude from Cleveland. 2 Ohio guys together.



                    I'm no insider

                    Originally posted by Diggle View Post
                    They wouldnt tell me. But said its def not Marks
                    but Jon Marks couldn't carry a show. Seems like a nice guy and I don't mind hearing him, but he doesn't bring a lot to the table.


                      Originally posted by Diggle View Post
                      They wouldnt tell me. But said its def not Marks
                      It'll probably end up being someone like Joe Giglio.
                      "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


                        What slag said. Heard Ritchie yesterday. Comes across to talk football but not overdoing it and throwing stories to it. Not gruden jet y split banana.

