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Can Becton stay healthy?

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  • Two Gap Penetrator
    IDK. You tell me. You're the expert in this field. Bone on bone is so funny.

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  • Cheesesteak
    just needs to be healthy when called upon...let's hope it doesn't come to that but seems like a good backup.

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  • IronEagle
    started a topic Can Becton stay healthy?

    Can Becton stay healthy?

    We're not talking bone on bone here, but he appears to have had repeated problems with his patella. Sounds like he prefers to play left tackle.

    "I got drafted as a left tackle. I dominated as a left tackle my rookie year, and I was going to dominate my second year, and that unfortunate injury happened. I'm a natural left tackle. I'm not a right tackle. I don't care what people say. I know I'm going to go out there and prove it. People know what I can do as a rookie, and I'm better now than I was then."

    But he did start at right tackle last year. So if he can stay healthy he makes great sense as a depth on the OL.